utilised in Korean

verb - utilize
이용하다: utilize, bestow upon, capitalize, improve, trade

Sentence patterns related to "utilised"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "utilised" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "utilised", or refer to the context using the word "utilised" in the English - Korean.

1. The Cheque is utilised to make safe, secure and convenient payments.

2. A utilised agricultural area is allocated to only one holding.

3. Furthermore, more sensitive screening techniques were developed that utilised alternative imaging modalities.

4. Cracking chemistry relates to a process that is widely utilised in petroleum refining

5. (a) agricultural holdings with a utilised agricultural area of 1 ha or more;

6. (a) a sum advanced and utilised for the purchase of the object;

7. The utilised agricultural area is allocated to only one agricultural holding.

8. If an alternative solvent is utilised, the following should be determined:

9. The resulting automated snow mapping is utilised in hydrological modes allowing better prediction accuracy.

10. The utilised agricultural area of the holding that are under conversion to organic farming production methods

11. CTrader is a similar platform that is utilised by a range of online cfd Brokers.

12. Where a bar code is utilised, it is recommended that alphanumeric information is also provided

13. (e) the details of funds allocated, released and utilised for the purpose till date?

14. For specialised work, aerial photographs or satellite imagery are frequently utilised without having to revise the maps.

15. Land reclaimed by this method can be conveniently utilised for parks , playgrounds and other light structures .

16. Notes: PO means producer organisation; APO means association of producer organisations; UAA means utilised agricultural area

17. The developed heat pump and absorption chiller utilised available waste heat within the dairy to reduce overall energy consumption.

18. Numerical aberration: a change in the number of chromosomes from the normal number characteristic of the animals utilised

19. The process is yet to be established or to be utilised, but the preparatory work is actually happening.

20. Among those who utilised on-line booking, 58% booked accommodation and 30% booked airfares to the destination.

21. Furthermore, an alternative processing technique was utilised that measured the revolutions per minute through a trigger signal.

22. To enhance the sensor adsorption capacity and resistance, researchers utilised various surfactants during the organic coating production.

23. - The long EILU would not allow the capacity of current standard rail wagons to be fully utilised.

24. There is a strong interest in qualitative research,(sentencedict .com) although a variety of other methodological approaches are utilised.

25. 27 Now enlightened farmers are fencing off and replanting areas which can he selectively utilised for animal feeding.

26. Mirrors are utilised to create the visual effect of an extended symmetrical room that Aggrandises its actual length

27. A European project, PMILS, has utilised a model that will accelerate the development of new designer polymer materials.

28. National Security Guards is a special force in India that has primarily been utilised for counter-terrorism activities.

29. Bakers and cake makers in Brunei have utilised the blog as a marketing tool to sell their wares.

30. In English Archaic writings the instances in which the mention of the Satanic power is thus utilised are not numerous

31. 18 Total permanent grassland represented 65% of the utilised agricultural land and this proportion has changed little over the years.

32. (a) the quantum of funds allocated and utilised for the Kaladan Multi Modal Transit Transport Project since 2014, year-wise; and

33. The State component would be utilised for the projects in each State as per their share on normative allocation basis.

34. The IORA Special Fund must be better utilised to support projects that advance meaningful practical cooperation in the six priority areas.

35. Well over thirty distinct hard-rock types, each representing a different rock outcrop, were utilised for artefacts in the prehistoric period.

36. The Brif could then be utilised as a way for patients and stakeholders to follow the developments and the effective use of the bioresource

37. A framework of compressive sensing was utilised to provide accurate localisation based on signal strength measurements, which also reduced the amount of information transmitted.

38. "The prefabricated Chunks are utilised in fluent output, which, as many researchers from different traditions have noted, largely depends on automatic processing of stored units

39. The repetitive polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) technique was utilised to amplify the DNA from some 140 bacterial isolates from selected fish farms.

40. Appropriations were over-utilised in relation to the indicator because it appears that I accelerated the payment of advances for the tobacco premium.

41. The Aumbry on the north side in the south choir aisle has been glazed, and is utilised as a cupboard to hold some curiosities

42. I would like to suggest that the potential provided by Benin’s small but economically active Indian community be utilised to the full extent possible.

43. The exchange rate is determined by a financial institution utilised by Google to calculate exchange rates, and may be adjusted based on market conditions without notice.

환율은 Google에서 환율을 계산하는 데 사용하는 금융 기관에 의해 결정되며 시장 상황에 따라 사전 통보 없이 조정될 수 있습니다.

44. This wealth of experience and battlefield testing has now been utilised in the Barnaul Ammunition Company range of porting ammunition and is now available to you

45. The marginally fertile parts are primarily utilised as rangelands and have been traditionally used for sheep or cattle grazing, on cattle stations which are leased from the Federal Government.

46. This short paper explains how the technology company Aereo utilised Avoision strategies in an attempt to design its way out of liability under US copyright law.

47. This wealth of experience and battlefield testing has now been utilised in the Barnaul Ammunition Company range of porting ammunition and is now available to you

48. In the past , in the absence of a growing steel industry , even the high quality coking coal that was produced was allowed to be utilised by the railways .

49. a claim for repayment of un-utilised advance corporation tax paid by the borrowing company upon interest payments to the lending company which were re-characterised as distributions

50. The exchange rate will be determined by a financial institution utilised by Google to calculate exchange rates, and may be adjusted based on market conditions without notice.