uttered in Korean

verb - utter
내다: give, protrude, turn out, issue, raise, serve
입 밖에 내다: babble out, utter
말하다: talk, speak, say, tell, remark, state
발언하다: utter
사용하다: embezzle, use, employ, utter, talk, work
언급되다: utte

Sentence patterns related to "uttered"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "uttered" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "uttered", or refer to the context using the word "uttered" in the English - Korean.

1. Uttered or unexpressed,

2. She uttered a sigh.

3. Fran uttered a shrill scream.

4. 6 He uttered little indecipherable sounds.

5. 'You fool!' she uttered in disgust.

6. She uttered a wail of grief.

7. The wounded man uttered a groan.

8. The remark was uttered sotto voce.

9. Yuan never uttered a word about him

10. He uttered a snorting laugh.

11. The victim uttered anguished cries.

12. He uttered a curse sotto voce.

13. The whole earth uttered a great cry.

14. He uttered a few commonplaces about peace.

15. She had never uttered a word of reproach.

16. The wounded prisoner uttered a groan.

17. She uttered an inarticulate exclamation, and stood fixed.

18. Adjective Articulacy uttered clearly in distinct syllables

19. 11 The wounded man uttered a groan.

20. I didn't know who first uttered the truth.

21. He never uttered a word of protest.

22. She uttered a wordless cry of despair.

23. A prophecy uttered some 400 years earlier is fulfilled.

24. The first word I ever uttered was good-bye.

25. My name was uttered by someone near me.

26. I have never uttered one word of untruth.

27. He never uttered a word out of season.

28. He grinned and then uttered a Swahili proverb.

29. The Adhan is uttered in a loud, albeit sweet

30. 9 He grinned and then uttered a Swahili proverb.

31. When he heard the news, he uttered a sigh.

32. Each word he uttered was a knife in her heart.

33. Nobody's uttered a word to me about it.

34. Dauntless merely uttered a gibbering sound and abandoned the argument.

35. When he uttered his infamous words' Read my lips.

36. Throughout the entire altercation, not one sensible word was uttered.

37. She uttered the magic word, and the spell was broken.

38. He uttered his magic formulas and pointed his stick at them.

39. The young gentleman uttered this exultant sound with mysterious significance.

40. I was really amused by her loveliness and even uttered laugher heartedly.

41. He looked into my eyes and uttered four simple words.

42. The at present unutterable things we may fine somewhere uttered.

43. The nymph continued her flight with his plea half uttered.

44. He never uttered a word of complaint, and he would not turn back.

45. He uttered several vigorous expletives when he dropped the iron on his foot.

46. She uttered blissful noises while I half tried to quiet her.

47. 16 Dauntless merely uttered a gibbering sound and abandoned the argument.

48. I think I uttered the first words, and my family bought their first home.

49. At Delphi, for example, the answers provided were uttered in unintelligible sounds.

50. As she uttered these words she realized they sounded snide and insinuating.