transgressions in Korean

noun - transgression
위반: violation, breach, offense, infringement, contravention, transgressio

Sentence patterns related to "transgressions"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "transgressions" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "transgressions", or refer to the context using the word "transgressions" in the English - Korean.

1. For our transgressions forgiveness we seek.

2. But love covers over all transgressions.

3. On account of their transgressions and their errors.

자기들의 범법과 잘못 때문이었다.

4. A loving person covers over minor transgressions.

5. Censure is a formal and public condemnation of an individual's transgressions

6. I Acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me

7. Increasing intolerance for transgressions against the rule of biology.

8. 22 I will blot out your transgressions as with a cloud+

9. Clearly, it was because of their flagrant transgressions of his Law.

10. + 22 None of the transgressions that he has committed will be held* against him.

11. 14 My transgressions are bound as a yoke, fastened together by his hand.

12. Proverbs 10:12: “Hatred is what stirs up contentions, but love covers over even all transgressions.”

13. * Transgressions of the Law required restitution, and to make amends, “sacrifices for sins” were offered.

* 하지만 율법을 범했을 경우에는 원상 회복이 요구되었으며, 죄에 대한 보상을 위해 “죄를 위한 희생”이 바쳐졌습니다.

14. For my transgressions I myself know, and my sin is in front of me constantly.”

15. Whoever Conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.

16. If you are a masochist, you can tie it to a SQL database and log all transgressions.

17. When we become aware of our sins, iniquities and transgressions, and are Contrite, we need to know that

18. For he was cut off out of the land of the living; for the transgressions of my people was he stricken.

19. Yes, as an ancient wise man said, “hatred is what stirs up contentions, but love covers over even all transgressions.” —Proverbs 10:12.

20. An Agonizer was a small device worn on the belts of Imperial personnel in the mirror universe, used to inflict pain for minor transgressions

21. He drew up an agreement on 27 April 1352, which absolved the Visconti of all their transgressions and signed away much of northern Italy.

1352년 4월 27일 그는 합의안을 작성했는데, 이에 따라 비스콘티 가문이 그동안 저질렀던 죄를 사면하고 이탈리아 북부 대부분에 대한 권리를 양도하였다.

22. He addresses his people tenderly, assuring them that if they repent, he will completely cover over their sins, hiding their transgressions as if behind impenetrable clouds.

23. Identifying the motivation behind spoken words, the king of Israel states: “Hatred is what stirs up contentions, but love covers over even all transgressions.”

24. The Executive, who owns interests in several Chicagoland insurance companies, was found guilty of multiple transgressions of the rights of a woman with whom he was Acquittanced, between October 5

25. Described below is a sample of individuals whose extreme transgressions have brought the ire or admiration of their communities and the attention of society as famous Criminals. Joseph ADONIS (1902 - 1972)

26. The Executive, who owns interests in several Chicagoland insurance companies, was found guilty of multiple transgressions of the rights of a woman with whom he was Acquittanced, between October 5, 2015 and March 23, 2016

27. Present tense third-person singular of annunciate Synonyms & Antonyms of Annunciates to make known openly or publicly a politician is wise to annunciate past minor transgressions before the media make something major of them

28. Examples of annunciate in a Sentence a politician is wise to annunciate past minor transgressions before the media make something major of them Recent Examples on the Web Visiting a place again and again, year after year, Annunciates …

29. 15 Therefore, O thou son of man, speak unto the house of Israel; Thus ye speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins be upon us, and we pine away in them, how should we then live?

30. The song "Confessional" by Raine Maida plays with this trope with the singer listing off a series of transgressions with a chorus that begins "these are my confessions" with Ominous Chanting in the background

31. Which speaks directly to Bribability — or at least, to what New York legislators do best: take care of the folks back home, and themselves, while this time perhaps overlooking Cuomo’s well-documented harassment transgressions and that allegedly ongoing impeachment probe

32. The Eternal Anglo or Angloposting refers to a series of memes, exploitable images and conspiracy theories critical of Britain, and specifically English people, which often reference various historical controversies involving Britain and its alleged transgressions against other nations, primarily Germans

33. ‘The first sequence spoke to me of how merciful God is for Absolving my transgressions.’ ‘But on the other hand it has the sacrament of confession, whereby if you do sin you can be absolved and start afresh.’ ‘You can get your sins absolved while eating a burger.’

34. Leviticus 16:16 - He shall make atonement for the holy place, because of the impurities of the sons of Israel and because of their transgressions in regard to all their sins; and thus he shall do for the tent of meeting which Abides with them in the midst of their impurities.

35. ‘The Confessional language is stunning in its clarity: ‘I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.’’ ‘However, I would no longer go in a Confessional booth and say sorry to some superior being for my mistakes, instead, I learn from them, I could never be sorry for my life experiences.’

36. ‘The Confessional language is stunning in its clarity: ‘I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.’’ ‘However, I would no longer go in a Confessional booth and say sorry to some superior being for my mistakes, instead, I learn from them, I could never be sorry for my life experiences.’

37. Abomination - an action that is vicious or vile; an action that arouses disgust or abhorrence; "his treatment of the children is an Abomination" evildoing , transgression - the act of transgressing; the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle; "the boy was punished for the transgressions of his father"