transmigration in Korean

noun - transmigration
윤회: transmigration
이주: migration, immigration, emigration, transplantation, transference, transmigratio

Sentence patterns related to "transmigration"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "transmigration" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "transmigration", or refer to the context using the word "transmigration" in the English - Korean.

1. Return to the six oath of transmigration!

2. 3 Transmigration midstream Cheng He in years.

3. Date Chapter; January 23, 2021: Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks Chapter 4333: January 23, 2021: Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks …

4. Read Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder's Record Of Counterattacks Novel Online Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder's Record Of Counterattacks summary: Ning Shu had dropped dead

5. 5 Meta - morphosis and resurrection are not synonymous with transmigration.

6. 13. (a) What effect has the teaching of transmigration had on people?

7. You are demons! return to the six paths of transmigration!

8. 15 Meta - morphosis and resurrection are not synonymous with transmigration.

9. 2 The piece is called On the Transmigration of Souls.

10. What is the belief of “transmigration,” which is common in Buddhism and Hinduism?

11. 13 The fairly long Chhandogya - upanishad develops the idea of transmigration of souls.

12. 1 They must have a fantastic traffic in the transmigration of souls.

13. The essence of religion is life transmigration, retributive justice and undying of soul.

14. Why did the concept of transmigration of souls appeal to Hindu sages?

15. 18 And Josias begot Jechonias and his brethren in the transmigration of Babylon.

16. 4 The essence of religion is life transmigration, retributive justice and undying of soul.

17. 6 The idea of transmigration was never adopted into orthodox Judaism or Christianity.

18. The migrating Eurasian tribes evidently carried with them to India the idea of transmigration.

19. 10 Transmigration, passing of the soul at death into a new body or new form of being.

20. 17 Metempsychosis, he said , frowning. It's Greek: from the Greek. hat means the transmigration of souls.

21. 16 Cowardice and fear have trapped us in the cycle of transmigration for a very long time.

22. Here flocks of cranes, geese lapwings, curlews, Cushats and other birds stop here during their transmigration

23. To create prestige for the Babylonian religion, its priesthood advanced the doctrine of transmigration of the soul.

24. 11 For the Hindu mind, unshakeable in its belief in the transmigration of souls, the ailing body is beside the point.

25. For the Hindu mind, unshakeable in its belief in the transmigration of souls, the ailing body is beside the point.

26. Vedic people believed in the transmigration of the soul, and the peepul tree and cow were sanctified by the time of the Atharvaveda.

27. 19 Like a sentence : missed time in North Desert out beautiful crape myrtle flower, but deserted the transmigration of spring and summer.

28. The druids, the early Celtic priesthood, taught the doctrine of transmigration of souls and discussed the nature and power of the gods.

29. 9 The Gnostics and the Manichaeans also believed in transmigration, but early Christians who adopted Gnostic and Manichaean doctrines were declared heretics by the church.

30. 12 Among the Greek philosophers we find that Pythagoras,[] Plato and their followers believed in this theory of Metempsychosis or Transmigration of souls.

31. 5 To achieve fidelity or transmigration of translation, a translater should retain the intention and context of the source text as the measure of translation.

32. 8 The transmigration program has exported Muslims to Bali, Borneo, the Celebes, the Moluccas, and Papua, making Indonesia the most populous Muslim-majority nation in the world.

33. 7 So the original meaning of transmigration or metempsychosis was the revolution of the soul from body to body whether animal, human, angelic or of the gods.

34. 14 Conclusion Both tetrose and mannan had the effects in blocking melanoma experimental liver metastasis, inhibiting transmigration of the liver, and prolonging the survival time of the mouse.

35. 6 Hindu wise men thus shaped the idea of the transmigration of souls into the doctrine of reincarnation by combining it with the law of Karma and the concept of Brahman.

36. Moving from left to right, depicting the healthy Adventitia, the phenotypic switch from fibroblast to myofibroblast, vasa vasorum neovascularization, lipid oxidation, generation of foam cells, B cell maturation and contribution to the local humoral immune response, and transmigration of monocytes into the

37. 3 In the sixth century B.C.E., while Pythagoras and his followers in Greece were advocating the theory of transmigration of souls, Hindu sages living along the banks of the Indus and Ganges rivers in India were developing the same concept.

38. DARING Mendonca, Brown, Three Irons and Cheadle Crawled through an air duct to freedom A CLEAN GETAWAY AS FOUR CONVICTS ESCAPE THROUGH PRISON SHOWER (b) Crawling distance: the total distance the leukocyte Crawled from the initial site of adhesion to the transmigration site ([micro]m).

39. The Russian Boyardom had no corporate or class privileges, (1) because their importance was purely local (the dignity of the principality determining the degree of dignity of the boyars), (2) because of their inalienable right of transmigration from one prince to another at will, which prevented the formation of a settled aristocracy, and (3

40. The Russian Boyardom had no corporate or class privileges, (1) because their importance was purely local (the dignity of the principality determining the degree of dignity of the boyars), (2) because of their inalienable right of transmigration from one prince to another at will, which prevented the formation of a settled aristocracy, and (3