transfused in Korean

verb - transfuse
옮겨 붓다: transfuse
수혈하다: transfuse
배어들게 하다: engrain, transfuse

Sentence patterns related to "transfused"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "transfused" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "transfused", or refer to the context using the word "transfused" in the English - Korean.

1. The sunlight transfused the bay.

2. The teacher transfused a love of literature to his students.

3. This left him defenceless against the foreign white blood cells in the transfused blood.

4. Why can it be held that God’s standard on blood rules out accepting transfused blood?

5. If blood loss during operation has been excessive, previously cross-matched blood will be transfused.

6. Using the “low-glycerol-rapid-freezing-technique” red cells were frozen, thawed and successfully transfused.

7. However, care of nontransfused patients after surgery is often easier than that of those transfused.

8. Do these Biblical statements, however, apply to the acceptance of transfused blood as a life-saving medical procedure?

이러한 성서의 말씀은 생명을 구하는 의료 절차로서 수혈을 받는 면에도 적용되는가?

9. Both instances were likely due to the small amount of blood that was actually transfused into these people.

10. SUSPECT PRODUCTS Transfused blood product Product modification Product code/name Hospital Supplier Group of unit ABO Rh N/A Blood centre code Unit no. or Lot no.

11. A common practice for preparing red blood cell products for chronically transfused patients is to match Rh phenotype of recipient and donor by testing both for the common Rh and K Antigens.

12. So Jehovah’s Witnesses do not accept transfusions of donor blood; nor do they permit their own blood to be withdrawn, stored and later transfused back into their veins. —Acts 15:28, 29.

13. Autologous adjective Referring to a tissue—e.g., Autologous packed red cells—that comes from the same person (in whom it is to be subsequently transfused), in contrast to that donated by another person

14. Recipient data points - general unique identifier (hospital mrn) health card number date of birth postal code (at time of transfusion) gender Recipient data points - specific to transfusion episode date of admission diagnosis indication for transfusion procedure e.g. type of operation date of discharge discharge status (alive or dead) date of death Transfusion/infusion episode data location of transfusion/infusion (clinic, home, hospital) hospital code inpatient or outpatient date of transfusion/infusion number of units of each type of component (red cells, platelets pooled or not, plasma) or plasma derivatives unit numbers of units transfused lot number of derivative infused age of component/date of collection manipulation at hospital (pooling, leukodepletion, irradiation ...) aberrations in administration Type of data point