tinged in Korean

verb - tinge
물들이다: dye, tinge, crimson, infect
가미하다: tinge

Sentence patterns related to "tinged"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tinged" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tinged", or refer to the context using the word "tinged" in the English - Korean.

1. Pink tinged her pale cheeks.

2. Her homecoming was tinged with sadness.

3. His words were tinged with cynicism.

4. Your moaning tinged with lucidity stirs a bitter brew. "

5. The cock's breast is tinged with chestnut.

6. The sunset tinged the lake with pink.

7. Cinereous definition is - gray tinged with black

8. A certain Grecian blue tinged with Turkish green.

9. Gentle cream taste is tinged with bitter almonds and fruity end.

10. It is a prophecy filled with hope but tinged with mourning.

11. Her sharp disappointment was tinged with embarrassment at her own forwardness.

12. Anxieties are thoughts, tinged fear, negative feelings, and negative expectations

13. They look at each other, disappointment tinged with undisguised relief.

14. Cadmium metal (Cd) is a silver-white solid, tinged with blue

15. 27 Amelia called out cheerily to Jake, who remembered grinning, a grin tinged with anxiety.

16. Freni traditionally epitomized poignancy and lyric charm, tinged with a measure of sensuality.

17. I have a blue-tinged vocabulary that could make a construction worker blush.

18. 17 Chief complaints included unilateral nasal obstruction , blood tinged rhinorrhea and purulent rhinorrhea.

19. Foredestining hereticate gnotobiote Arrentable wine-tinged pinocle nonindigenous phosphoretted photostereograph unfetters cornmaster contact

20. All around, a millpond sea and the sky tinged pink at the horizon.

21. He explains that, also unlike the dream, the day was tinged with sadness.

22. Farther east, the dunes grow larger and are tinged red with iron oxide.

23. Pug hoped he put the right puzzlement, tinged with anger, in his tone.

24. In Turkey, secularists are wrong to try to ban the Islamist - tinged ruling party , AKP ( see article ).

25. But New Zealand's delight was tinged with sadness after opener John Wright's announced his retirement.

26. In spite of the early morning, the fresh air was partly tinged with warmth.

27. Ummer-tinged and mesmeric from the get-go, ‘Body’ puts shame to the catchiest songs of the season

28. Now, the meaning behind the paper - bag syndrome is more nuanced, and tinged with parsimonious romance.

29. Spectators at the Big Rodeo in Burwell[sentence dictionary], Nebraska are silhouetted against roiling sunset - tinged clouds.

30. Wheatfields, cultivated high up the mountainsides, were lightly tinged with yellow, proclaiming the nearness of summer.

31. 10 They downplay, or justify, the proliferation of white supremacist - tinged paramilitary groups, police violence, and racial profiling.

32. Sanguisorba) (salad Burnet), which has purple-tinged green flowers and leaves that are sometimes used for salads 2

33. 19 They downplay, or justify, the proliferation of white supremacist - tinged paramilitary groups, police violence, and racial profiling.

34. Wood Blewit has a blue to violet-tinged cap and gills when young, with pale pink spores

35. They downplay, or justify, the proliferation of white supremacist - tinged paramilitary groups, police violence, and racial profiling.

36. Crystal definition is - quartz that is transparent or nearly so and that is either colorless or only slightly tinged

37. The apples display their milliner's scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged. All the sleeping things wake up–primrose, baby iris, blue phlox.

38. The Champs are an American rock and roll band, most famous for their Latin-tinged instrumental "Tequila"

39. Barytes or Barite is a colorless or white mineral; often tinged with yellow, red, brown, and sometimes blue

40. Barytes or barite is a colorless or white mineral; often tinged with yellow, red, brown, and sometimes blue

41. The Bogbean’s white star-like flowers, pink-tinged petals and abundance of soft white spikes make its appearance unique

42. The Champs were an American rock and roll band, most famous for their Latin-tinged instrumental "Tequila"

43. It was tinged with panic too for finally he could only babble again and again how sorry he was.

44. Sand dunes of varying texture that are tinged red with iron oxide lie to the north and east of Al-Ain.

45. Apart from the bed, the only other piece of furniture in the room was a chaiselongue upholstered in red-tinged chintz.

46. The phrase "tan tissue with Admixed blood-tinged mucus" is what is referred to as the gross pathological description.

47. It is then that the atmosphere of peace becomes tinged with a sense of sadness at such a loss ... beauty desecrated.

48. The fireball briefly turned night to green-tinged day and unleashed a sonic boom heard for hundreds of miles around.

49. It was a story that was tinged with fabrication, told by a notorious liar with a warped sense of reality.

50. Beechdrops are an annual that forms thin, often purple-tinged, yellow-brown 12-inch or taller stems with scattered scales (reduced leaves)