tinnitus in Korean

noun - tinnitus
이명: tinnitus, alias, synonym, ringing in the ears

Sentence patterns related to "tinnitus"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tinnitus" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tinnitus", or refer to the context using the word "tinnitus" in the English - Korean.

1. Cinchonism Vs Tinnitus Vs Ototoxicity Food That Reduce Tinnitus Aspirin Tinnitus, Episodic Tinnitus Can Cats Hear Your Tinnitus Deviated Septum Symptoms Tinnitus

2. Tinnitus Stronger In One Ear Atonaler Tinnitus; What Medications May Cause Tinnitus Pulsatile Tinnitus Due To Peastumor Cebri; Is Acupuncture Any Good For Tinnitus; Jasmine Causes Tinnitus; Lyric Hearing Aid Tinnitus Tinnitus Destroyer Spencer Reed; Restless Leg And Tinnitus If I Pitch Match Tinnitus Can I Hear It Still Signs Tinnitus Getting

3. Atonaler Tinnitus Vac Tinnitus Payout

4. Pos And Tinnitus Half Life 2 Tinnitus Atonaler: 2

5. If Bruxism is the cause of your tinnitus, treating your grinding may also take care of your tinnitus

6. R/ tinnitus and facebook are full of Boffers.

7. 13 Deafness or tinnitus may or may not be associated.

8. ▪ Surgery: The brochure Tinnitus, published by The British Tinnitus Association, states: “Sometimes tinnitus is caused by a disorder in the middle ear, and occasionally by an abnormality in blood vessels or muscles in or near the ear.

▪ 수술: 영국 이명 협회에서 발행한 「이명」(Tinnitus)이라는 팜플렛에서는 이렇게 기술합니다. “이명은 때때로 중이(中耳)에 생긴 질병 때문에 발생하는데, 경우에 따라서는 귓속이나 그 주위에 있는 혈관 혹은 근육에 이상이 생겨 발생하기도 한다.

9. New Tinnitus Treatment Alleviates Annoying Ringing in the Ears

10. He had mild tinnitus, and slightly decreased auditory acuity.

11. Buzzing sounds in the ear are more commonly known as tinnitus

12. They also experienced the classic symptoms of Cinchonism, including nausea, vomiting, and tinnitus

13. The patient had pulsatile tinnitus and bruit over the left mastoid.

14. Especially high-frequency Buzzing is often perceived as a tinnitus, especially by younger people

15. Tinnitus is defined as the perception of sound in the absence of an acoustic stimulus. With a prevalence of about 10-15% among adults tinnitus is a common symptom.

16. However, there are some ototoxic drugs known to Cause more permanent tinnitus symptoms

17. Meniere’s disease is characterised by recurrent attacks of vertigo, sensory hearing loss and tinnitus.

18. Tinnitus is the term for a ringing or Buzzing noise in your ears

19. The accompanying result may be tinnitus —a buzzing, ringing, or roaring in the ears or head.

20. Signs and symptoms of mild Cinchonism include sweaty skin, blurred vision, tinnitus (ringing in ear

21. This method is a routine operation to recover hearing, effects on tinnitus were observed only coincidently.

22. With Acoustic neuroma, hearing loss is often accompanied by ringing in on ear-- "tinnitus"

23. It is mainly indicated for cerebral disorders, such as hemiplegia, numbness, aphasia, dizziness and vertigo, tinnitus, chorea, etc.

24. Tinnitus can be brought on by stress, and the pandemic has created stress by the Bucketload

25. The Appropriateness of imaging examinations or modalities depends both upon the characterization of tinnitus and any related symptoms

26. Talk with your dentist and your doctor to find the right treatments for both Bruxism and tinnitus.

27. Simultaneously with their deafness (or their impression of deafness) , victims of acoustic trauma as a rule complain of tinnitus.

28. With 64% of the tinnitus patients, DPOAE amplitudes were not reduced significantly, compared with 34% of the controls.

29. And with tinnitus, the brain does strange things to make us think there’s a sound when there isn’t one.

30. In the case of chronic tinnitus, sleep disturbances and difficulty in relaxation, the treatment should be accompanied by the acoustic therapy .

31. Brainwave instabilities may cause migraines, tinnitus, obsessive-compulsive disorder, rage, tics, panic attacks, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, epilepsy, and other issues

32. It is common that tinnitus co-exists with other symptoms, therefore this document includes references to the ACR Appropriateness Criteria

33. Cinchonism occurs from quinidine or quinine use (a class I antiarrhythmic drug) and consists of tinnitus, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea and vomiting

34. Cinchonism is an adverse reaction to the antiprotozoal drug quinine, manifested by headaches, auditory and visual deficits, as well as tinnitus

35. Audiologic Services is a leader in Audiological care specializing in hearing loss, hearing aid fittings, cochlear evaluations & mapping as well as tinnitus solutions

36. The symptom caused by a medical condition called tinnitus, which produces a sound that may resemble ringing, Buzzing, clicking, hissing, clanging or wheezing

37. On the other hand, together with ENT specialists and hearing aid acousticians all of the frequencies that mask tinnitus noises were evaluated.

38. 30 That was Jack's introduction to tinnitus, the head noises which are a deeply distressing by-product of some forms of deafness.

39. This paper aims to present treatment approaches and criteria for distinguishing between acoustic hallucinations, which occur often in schizophrenia, and tinnitus, and to highlight treatment options.

40. In conclusion a deafferention-like syndrome has to be considered as the major causative factor for the tinnitus in patients with acoustic neuromas.

41. In general, there is no cure for tinnitus, but those who have " Bothersome " tinnitus, in addition to hearing loss, can often find some relief with the use of a hearing aid combined with external sound stimuli, such as a metronome, white noise or music delivered through wearable or non-wearable devices.

42. Tinnitus can be caused or triggered by funtional disorders of the cervical spine, temporomandibular joint or any other musculoskeletal structure of the neck or head.

43. Cinchonism is a constellation of findings consisting of headache, vertigo, tinnitus, hearing impairment, rash, visual disturbances, cardiovascular effects, intestinal cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, confusion, and seizures

44. See Table 4 Frequent: vomiting, cramps, cinchonism (tinnitus, nausea, headache, blurred vision) Occasional: widening of QRS complex, cardiac disturbance, fever, delirium, rashesRare: acute hemolytic anemia quinidine sulphate

45. Nevertheless, the tinnitus may not disappear even the labyrinthine is totally removed because the spontaneous spark of the neurons in the central auditory system after the operation.

46. Quinine causes Cinchonism (nausea, vomiting and tinnitus) in overdose but also blindness which is delayed and sometimes not noticed until the morning after the acute toxicity has resolved

47. Possible Contrecoup injury with frontal lobe features (residual focal) Secondary sexual dysfunction BR> Secondary Pain syndrome predominantly hips Tinnitus chronically Abnormal EEG with right lateral temporal structural abnormality

48. This influx of cations caused by loss of tip links, together with the subsequent hair-cell depolarization, might be a source of sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus associated with acoustic trauma.

49. Methods according to the present invention include preferably brief sessions of anodal tDCS to assist in determining adequate electrode location and stimulus intensity by producing transient decreases in tinnitus intensity.

50. The invention concerns the use of riluzole or one of its pharmaceutically acceptable salts for preventing and/or treating acoustic traumas and, in particular, different types of deafness and tinnitus.