thunderstorms in Korean

noun - thunderstorm
뇌우: thunderstorm

Sentence patterns related to "thunderstorms"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "thunderstorms" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "thunderstorms", or refer to the context using the word "thunderstorms" in the English - Korean.

1. Convective storms are also known as thunderstorms

2. September- -Chieflyfrom high intensity convectional thunderstorms

3. Flash floods are common in Arroyos following thunderstorms.

4. The parade was washed out by heavy thunderstorms.

5. The thunderstorms quickly weakened as Sagar progressed inland.

6. During these months, strong afternoon thunderstorms occur almost daily.

7. Most so-called Cloudbursts occur in connection with thunderstorms

8. Thunderstorms mainly occur in summer with obvious diurnal variation.

9. Examples of Cyclonic storms: dust devils, supercell thunderstorms, torna

10. During the wet season, afternoon thunderstorms are a daily occurrence.

11. The storms on Jupiter are similar to thunderstorms on Earth.

12. This moisture further extended into Colorado, resulting in scattered severe thunderstorms.

13. Summer weather is more stable, generally humid with thunderstorms fairly common.

14. During thunderstorms, millions of lightning bolts occur earth wide every day.

전세계에서 매일 뇌우가 내리는 곳에서는 수백만 번의 번개가 칩니다.

15. And in the middle part of Russia thunderstorms occur only in summer.

16. En route to Eberswalde, thunderstorms were observed and alternates were sought from ATC.

17. Thunderstorms strike Texas often, especially the eastern and northern portions of the state.

18. Utah, like most of the western United States, has few days of thunderstorms.

19. Mammatus are most often associated with anvil clouds and also severe thunderstorms.

20. An area of disorganized thunderstorms was noted near 2N 159E on March 26.

21. In early summer, brief squalls and thunderstorms known as Kalbaisakhi, or Nor'westers, often occur.

22. Westerly winds bring thunderstorms to Mecca during winter and hailstorms sometimes also occur.

23. Then there were the relentless winds, hailstones bigger than oranges, tornadoes, and breathtaking thunderstorms.

24. Thunderstorms may form if an unstable flow of air is lifted at a mountain range.

25. Nat formed from an area of thunderstorms which formed along a trough trailing from Melissa.

26. Spring and summer weather is like that of most midwestern cities; severe thunderstorms may occur.

27. Kites should never be flown in thunderstorms nor near telephone poles, transmission towers or high-voltage wires.

천둥이 칠 때에나 전보대, 전송탑 또는 고압선 근처에서는 결코 연을 날려서는 안된다.

28. This lift would then form a narrow line of showers and thunderstorms if enough moisture were present.

29. Using outdoor antennas means that thunderstorms may cause very high interference voltages on the antenna cable.

30. To lessen a child's fear during thunderstorms, the child can be distracted by games and activities.

31. The report warns of extreme events such as thunderstorms causing flash floods and intense meteorological depressions.

32. Occasionally, moisture from the Arizona Monsoon will cause summer thunderstorms; Pacific storms may blanket the area with snow.

33. Increasing but fragmented convection, or thunderstorms, was fueled by unusually warm water temperatures and outflow from the south.

34. As more thunderstorms form and gather, the storm develops rainbands which start rotating around a common center.

35. Tropical thunderstorms in the south, which may bring wind and lightning damage as well as flash floods.

36. On April 30, Ken's low level circulation was exposed, no longer having any thunderstorms near the center.

37. If enough moisture converges upon the dryline, it can be the focus of afternoon and evening thunderstorms.

38. Rainfall during this season generally comes from low pressure over the Pacific and usually falls in heavy afternoon thunderstorms.

39. Extratropical cyclones are capable of producing anything from cloudiness and mild showers to heavy gales, thunderstorms, blizzards, and tornadoes.

40. The presence of Altocumulus clouds on a warm and humid summer morning is commonly followed by thunderstorms later in the day.

41. The coldest cloud top temperatures were as cold as -63F ( ~-52C ) and indicated the strongest thunderstorms with the heaviest rainfall .

42. A majority of Medicanes are also accompanied by upper-level troughs, providing energy required for intensifying atmospheric convection—thunderstorms—and heavy precipitation.

43. The thunderstorms diminished from the circulation, and around 12:00 UTC on July 22, Kalmaegi dissipated about 30 hours after forming.

44. An area of convection, or thunderstorms, persisted on May 5 southeast of Yap State in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM).

45. A large area of disorganized thunderstorms and cloudiness formed several hundred miles off the southwest coast of Mexico on September 4.

46. He had slept well, entirely oblivious of the thunderstorms that Edith told him somewhat reproachfully had kept her sleepless an night.

47. 9 (AP)—A rescue vessel plucked an American Balloonist, Bob Sparks, out of the Atlantic today after thunderstorms forced him to …

48. Most of the rain falls as summer thunderstorms: 85% of the annual precipitation falls between the months of October and April.

49. There seems to have been no evolutionary selection for specific avoidance behaviour -- cowering giraffes are not a sensitive predictor of thunderstorms.

50. And all the storms an clouds and rain and thunderstorms happening contain only about 0. 0001% of all the water Earth has.