tickers in Korean

noun - ticker
증권 시세 표시기: ticker
시계: clock, visibility, sight, timekeeper, horologe, ticker
똑딱똑딱 소리내는 것: ticker
재깍재깍 소리내는 것: ticke

Sentence patterns related to "tickers"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tickers" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tickers", or refer to the context using the word "tickers" in the English - Korean.

1. Stocks whose Tickers are readily pronounceable or evoke positive images (like BUD, KAR or LUV) outperform those with clumsy, meaningless Tickers like PXG or BZH -- at least in The short run.

2. DE and VIEW are the most mentioned tickers in articles about Boxl

3. BHP Billiton and BHP Billiton Plc are now BHP Group and BHP Group Plc respectively and all the tickers, including the ones on the London Stock …

4. Mysterious (to an outsider) hand signals are employed, coded messages on electronic tickers appear and change at a frantic pace, and floor brokers compete to be heard above the flurry of activity.

(외부인의 눈에는) 수수께끼처럼 보이는 수신호가 사용되고, 전자 증권 시세 표시기에는 알 수 없는 기호들이 나타났다가 정신 없이 바뀌며, 증권 중개인들은 북새통 속에서 앞 다투어 소리를 지릅니다.