convicts in Korean

noun - convict
죄수: convict, jailbird, gaol bird, lag, yardbird
죄인: sinner, prisoner, convict
verb - convict
유죄를 입증하다: convict
유죄를 선고하다: penalize, convict
죄를 깨닫게 하다: convict

Sentence patterns related to "convicts"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "convicts" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "convicts", or refer to the context using the word "convicts" in the English - Korean.

1. The convicts were pardoned and set free.

2. Convicts were made to break stone for the roads.

3. The convicts were deported to a deserted island.

4. The escaped convicts were smoked out of the house.

5. This brought an abrupt halt to the transport of convicts.

이 때문에 죄수들의 유형이 갑자기 중단되었다.

6. In the past, British convicts could be sentenced to transportation.

7. He gives a fascinating account of the voyage and the convicts.

8. Convicts then dug these Breastworks to provide cover from attacking miners

9. Most of the remaining convicts were then relocated to Port Arthur.

10. The transportation of convicts to Australia was phased out between 1840 and 1868.

11. Escaped convicts from the Moreton Bay penal settlement hid in the region.

12. · For strict-regime convicts - from one standard accounting unit to four standard accounting units;

13. Generally, short hair is associated in the public mind with convicts, prison camp inmates and the military.

14. Adelaide is the Capital of the only Australian state never to have received Convicts.

15. The administration of penitentiaries undertakes all possible actions not to allow physical violence among convicts.

16. Convicts had been used as galley slaves during the wars with Italy some two centuries earlier.

약 2세기 전에 이탈리아와 전쟁을 할 때도 유죄 판결을 받은 죄수들을 갤리선 노예로 사용한 적이 있었습니다.

17. The early settlers were mostly convicts and their military guards, with the task of developing agriculture and other industries.

18. Prisoner numbers fluctuate from week to week and there are currently only four convicts in the county's cells.

19. Initially a free colony, Western Australia later accepted British convicts, because of an acute labour shortage.

20. Where do Criminals get their guns? Find out the surprising ways convicts get their hands on firearms and the …

21. The first Bushrangers (c.1806–44) were mainly escaped convicts who fled to the bush and organized gangs

22. The first Bushrangers (c.1806–44) were mainly escaped convicts who fled to the bush and organized gangs

23. Because of the Bilateral collaboration between the FBI and the state police, the escaped convicts were quickly caught

24. During these periods freed convicts and settlers used firearms to hunt the same game the Aborigines pursued with spears.

그럴 때면 죄수였다가 자유민이 된 사람과 정착민들은 원주민들이 창을 들고 쫓는 바로 그 사냥감을 총으로 사냥하였습니다.

25. Tim Robertson, director of the Koestler Trust, believes convicts should be encouraged to exhibit art made during their incarceration .

26. Originally built by convicts back in 1819, the Bogey hole is the oldest of the ocean pools on the trail

27. Barracoon definition is - an enclosure or barracks formerly used for temporary confinement of slaves or convicts —often used in plural.

28. Irwin compared Davis' experiences on parole to his own studies into the difficulties that convicts face when they are freed.

29. There are actually records of convicts in Spain purposely blaspheming so that they could be transferred to the prisons of the Spanish Inquisition.

30. Featuring 16 of the most beautiful, ruthless and lethal convicts alive, including an IRA terrorist, a contract killer, even identical twin serial killers.

31. They consisted of unskilled labourers, traders, and convicts who were sent to carry out public works projects such as clearing jungles and laying out roads.

32. A FORTUNATE TERM ANGELA BRAZIL At this time seven of the male convicts lately arrived from Ireland, with one woman, had Absconded into the woods

33. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on February 7, 2019 pardoned or Commuted prison terms of a large number of convicts

34. SC overturned 78% death penalty verdicts in 8 years Student's father challenges Acquittals, seeks death penalty for two convicts PHC admits appeals in Mashal lynching case

35. Most of the roads during this time were built by ex - convicts and freedom fighters incarcerated in the jail , as forced and free labour was available in plenty .

36. Alcatraz History was designed to help introduce you to the rich history of Alcatraz during the penitentiary years and many of the convicts who called “the Rock” home

37. In 1854, after strong complaints by the clergy, the island was abandoned as a penal settlement, and its convicts were shipped to Port Arthur in Tasmania.

1854년에, 교직자들의 강력한 항의가 있은 뒤, 그 섬은 더 이상 유형지로 사용되지 않게 되었고, 그곳에 있던 유형수들은 배에 실려 태즈메이니아의 포트아더로 옮겨졌습니다.

38. Napoleon III established the penal colony in 18 and some 000 French convicts—criminals, spies and political prisoners—would be sent there before it officially closed in 19

39. In a campaign called the “Black Line,” about 2,000 soldiers, settlers, and convicts advanced through the bush in an effort to corner the Aborigines and resettle them out of harm’s way.

40. The first "Bushrangers" or frontier outlaws were escaped or time-expired convicts, who took to the wilderness--"the bush"--in New South Wales and on the island of Tasmania

41. The fleet carried many convicts as well as a number of wives and children, all of whom had to make the best of this enforced new “home” thousands of miles from their country of birth.

42. War correspondents from national news publications such as the New York Times, Washington Post, and Harper's Weekly magazine convinced soldiers to pose for photographs by standing guard over convicts during construction of the Breastworks.

43. In a ruling last month, the Supreme Court had commuted the death sentences of 15 convicts Aftnd found that “inordinate and inexplicable” delays in carrying out an execution are grounds for reducing the penalty.

44. Convicts wbo are the boro and the Borotno of this story, Jacob and Magdalen, although they aorved a term of years, one In the penitentiary and the other In the Houso of Correction, could scarculy be called i criminals

45. A 1783 pejorative use of Crackers specified men who "descended from convicts that were transported from Great Britain to Virginia at different times, and inherit so much profligacy from their ancestors, that they are the most abandoned set of men on earth"

46. Where a Court convicts a person under Section 34(1) of the Dangerous Drugs Act; or is satisfied that an offender is dependent on drug or alcohol, the Court may impose on him a drug or alcohol treatment requirement.

47. Articles 72 to 85 grant convicts, including juveniles, the right to have a mosque or an appropriate place in which to pray and attend religious lectures and discussion groups. Every penal institution must also have an almoner, a sociologist and a psychologist and inmates

48. The Corrigible and the InCorrigible explores the surprising history of efforts aimed at rehabilitating convicts in 20th-century Germany, efforts founded not out of an unbridled optimism about the capacity of people to change, but arising from a chronic anxiety about the potential threats posed by others

49. DARING Mendonca, Brown, Three Irons and Cheadle Crawled through an air duct to freedom A CLEAN GETAWAY AS FOUR CONVICTS ESCAPE THROUGH PRISON SHOWER (b) Crawling distance: the total distance the leukocyte Crawled from the initial site of adhesion to the transmigration site ([micro]m).

50. The Corrigible and the InCorrigible explores the surprising history of efforts aimed at rehabilitating convicts in 20th-century Germany, efforts founded not out of an unbridled optimism about the capacity of people to change, but arising from a chronic anxiety about the potential threats posed by others