anti-tank in Korean

adjective - antitank
대전차용의: antitank

Sentence patterns related to "anti-tank"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "anti-tank" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "anti-tank", or refer to the context using the word "anti-tank" in the English - Korean.

1. Load Anti-Tank

2. Rosomak-S - Armored personnel carrier variant for two anti-tank teams armed with Spike anti-tank guided missile.

3. Anti-tank trenches, also called anti-tank ditches, are ditches dug into and around fortified positions to hold up the advance of enemy tanks.

4. This boy took out two tanks using anti-tank shells.

5. The new turret will provide protection against Kinetic Energy (RHAe) anti-tank guided missiles.

6. Its primary role was light infantry support or assault, with limited anti-tank capability.

7. Marine 37 mm (1.46 in) anti-tank guns and artillery quickly destroyed all nine tanks.

8. Anti-tank weapons, cannons, mortars, mortar bombs, ground, sea and air missiles of all calibres;

9. In that period, the dog training schools were mostly focused on producing anti-tank dogs.

10. Depleted uranium is used to make anti-tank shells more deadly, and tank armour less penetrable.

11. There were 496 tanks, 290 of which were Italian, 500 guns and 850 anti-tank guns.

12. The TC had only two companies left under his command, without anti-tank guns or artillery.

13. They contribute using explosives such as dynamite or anti-tank grenades to destroy vehicles such as tanks.

14. Reductions would affect especially artillery and anti-tank weapons, while procurement of naval vessels would be slowed.

15. Thousands of miles of anti-tank ditches were dug, usually by mechanical excavators, but occasionally by hand.

16. The other metal used for anti-tank rounds is tungsten, which is also very hard and dense.

17. He also sought exceptions for anti-personnel mines used in wartime, and for those protecting anti-tank mines.

18. Similarly, Fire Support Company had to set up their display of mortars, anti-tank missiles and Scimitar tracked recce vehicles.

19. More like a bulletproof tank, some one else said; it would take an anti-tank missile to get at him.

20. The 100 mm round resembles a normal 100 mm anti-tank round, and is loaded and fired in the same fashion.

21. Alternative Titles: anti-tank weapon, antiarmour weapon Antitank weapon, any of several guns, missiles, and mines intended for use against tanks

22. It is also equipped with the modern Shtora electro-optical system for defense against wire and laser guided anti-tank missiles.

23. Carpenter’s Bazookas each fired a single rocket-propelled anti-tank grenade with a battery ignited toggle switch operated by the pilot

24. 22 Similarly, Fire Support Company had to set up their display of mortars, anti-tank missiles and Scimitar tracked recce vehicles.

25. Every so often, a farmer in a tractor rolls over an anti-tank mine from World War II and poof, that’s it.

26. Anticipating further British attacks, the Axis forces created a line of fortified positions from Halfaya to Sidi Azeiz, placing a number of anti-tank guns and anti-tank mines on the Halfaya Pass, Point 206 (south of Forth Capuzzo) and on Point 208 (west of Fort Capuzzo on the Hafid Ridge).

27. The 63rd Anti-tank Regiment and the 11th Armoured Division of the British army liberate about 60,000 prisoners at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

28. There are numerous variants, including the Mi-8T, which, in addition to carrying 24 troops, is armed with rockets and anti-tank guided missiles.

29. The Italo-German positions on the frontier were fortified with barbed wire and minefields, covered by 50 mm and 88 mm anti-tank guns.

30. The 8.8 cm Raketenwerfer 43 Puppchen was an 88 mm calibre reusable anti-tank rocket launcher developed by Nazi Germany during World War II.

31. The Eighth Army lost 13,500 casualties, a far smaller proportion and 500 tanks (only 150 were destroyed) and about 110 guns (mainly anti-tank guns).

32. He was part of the secret 901 anti-tank-trooper unit, which basically consisted of foot soldiers trained to take down enemy tanks by themselves.

33. U.S. Marine and Army rifle, machine gun, mortar, artillery and direct canister fire from 37 mm anti-tank guns "wrought terrible carnage" on Nasu's men.

34. Information on modern Artillery, including self-propeleld guns, howitzers, anti-tank and anti-aircraft Artillery weapons, mortars, multiple launch rocket systems and some other types.

35. Like many modern anti-tank rifles, it is actually a smoothbore weapon and not a true rifle but this can help accelerate projectiles and increase ballistic effectiveness.

대다수 현대의 대물 소총들과 마찬가지로, 이 소총은 실제적으로 활강식 무기이며, 진정한 의미로 볼 때, 소총은 아니며 발사체를 가속시켜 유효 유도 거리를 증가시키는 데에 목적이 있다.

36. He made it safely through the landing, but on July 27, as part of the Allied advance, he was severely injured by an exploding anti-tank mine.

안전하게 상륙했지만 연합군에 속해 있던 그는 6월 27일에 대전차 지뢰가 터지는 바람에 심하게 부상을 입었습니다.

37. Many means of destroying tanks, including indirect artillery, anti-tank guns (both towed and self-propelled), mines, short-ranged infantry antitank weapons, and other tanks were used.

38. To help further defend the Alligator Creek sandbar, Cates deployed 100 men from the 1st Special Weapons Battalion with two 37mm anti-tank guns equipped with canister shot.

39. The 90/53 was a feared weapon, notably in the anti-tank role, but only a few hundred had been produced by the time of the armistice in 1943.

40. The M-84AS tank is able to fire anti-tank guided missiles with laser guidance through the barrel, which enables accurate engagement of enemy tanks up to 5 km.

41. Both bridges were covered by three anti-tank guns each, and the three batteries 105 mm howitzers at the Kralingse Plas were ordered to prepare barrages on both headlands.

42. Type 69-II HEAT: the same as the Type 69-I HEAT grenade, except that it is improved to defeat modern armoured vehicles that are equipped with anti-tank missile plating.

43. The 2nd Support Group had only one motor battalion, a field artillery regiment, one anti-tank battery and a machine-gun company; most of the divisional transport had been sent to Greece.

44. The 7th Armoured and 5th Indian divisions on the eastern flank attacked at 2:50 a.m. and met with disaster, when the British artillery bombardment fell short of the German anti-tank screen.

45. In 1984, the Mi-28 completed the first stage of state trials, but in October 1984 the Soviet Air Force chose the more advanced Kamov Ka-50 as the new anti-tank helicopter .

1984년 국가 견본품의 첫 번째 단계가 완성됐지만, 1984년 10월 소비에트 공군이 새로운 대전차 헬기로 더욱 발달한 카모프 Ka-50을 선택했다.

46. The 503rd remained in the Hungarian theater of operations for 166 days, during which it accounted for at least 121 Soviet tanks, 244 anti-tank guns and artillery pieces, five aircraft and a train.

47. This group is about anything larger than a handgun - field Artillery, howitzers, mortars, anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank guns, smooth-bore muzzle loaders, rifled muzzle loaders or stone-throwing engines like balistas and trebuchets

48. This could be small fragmentation or anti-tank bomblets, put in bomb bays, or four 50–100 kg bombs in bomb bays and externally under wings, or two 200–250 kg bombs attached under wings.

49. Some anti-tank rifles, like the Finnish L-39, were still used by snipers to harass the enemy, like firing phosphorus bullets at tanks' open hatches, or to smoke an enemy sniper out of his position.

50. The separate tank Battalions were formed to provide direct support to infantry units but the US Army decided not to invest in a heavy infantry tank (like the British Churchill) that could stand up to anti-tank fire