antigens in Korean

noun - antigen
항원: antige

Sentence patterns related to "antigens"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "antigens" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "antigens", or refer to the context using the word "antigens" in the English - Korean.

1. Antigens Creative Diagnostics is an evolving biotech company providing excellent quality Antigens worldwide including Viral Antigens, Bacterial Antigens, Fungal Antigens, Parasitic Antigens, Immunoglobulin, Hapten, Cardiac Biomarkers and so on

2. The Antigens on the non-self cells are known as foreign Antigens or non-self Antigens

3. Antigens which are present on the body’s own cells are called the auto-Antigens or self Antigens

4. In general, two main divisions of Antigens are recognized: foreign Antigens (or heteroAntigens) and autoAntigens (or self-Antigens).

5. What are the two types of Antigens? foreign Antigens and autoAntigens

6. The Antigens on your own cells are known as self-Antigens, while those that do not originate in your body are called non-self Antigens

7. The Agglutinogenic antigens of T

8. What do foreign Antigens include.

9. These are called super-Antigens

10. These antigens were chosen because adequate quantities of good manufacturing practice (GMP)-grade antigens are available for distribution.

11. The importance of Antigens and antibodies

12. 3: There are three basic kinds of Antigens

13. Diphtheria toxoid# Tetanus toxoid# Bordetella pertussis antigens

14. Antigens are typically proteins, peptides, or polysaccharides

15. The antigens that are involved in Blood Groups are called Agglutinogens and the antibodies that are produced against these antigens are called agglutinins

16. To determine the expression of 12 CT Antigens

17. B27lymphocyte antigens as Anaetiological factor in ankylosing spondylitis

18. However, not all Antigens will provoke a response

19. The category of oncodevelopmental Antigens is of special interest

20. Antigens are things like viruses, bacteria, toxins, cancer cells, …

21. Antigens are foreign substances and they are known to provoke the immune system to produce proteins known as antibodies, which act upon these Antigens

22. “We have shown that when administered with poor vaccine antigens (antigens that fail to induce a good immune response), these Adjuvants induce strong antibody and cellular responses to those vaccine antigens that, in several animal models, are very

23. The immune system must recognize millions of potential antigens.

24. Complement enzymes attack antigens by puncturing the cell membrane.

25. Adjuvant particles submit reposited antigens to the immune cells and promote interacitons between antigens and immune cells for long durations to induce immune response

26. With RBCs in particular, you may see the antigens referred to as isoantigens or Agglutinogens (surface antigens) and the antibodies referred to as isoantibodies or agglutinins.

27. In general, Antigens are composed of proteins, peptides, and polysaccharides

28. These cells are functionally active, being able to present antigens.

29. It was Snell who introduced the concept of H antigens."

30. Agglutination is one way in which antibodies mark antigens for destruction

31. The Antibodies work with the immune system to destroy these antigens.

32. Autoantibody An antibody that targets antigens present on the patient or donors’ own red blood cells (in contrast to alloantibodies , which target non-self red cell antigens)

33. And antigens are substances that can stimulate the body’s production of Antibodies

34. Cancer/testis (CT) Antigens are considered promising candidates for vaccine-based immunotherapy

35. Key words: beer spoilage organism, immunoassay, monoclonal antibodies, Pediococcus, surface antigens.

36. Autoantibody, harmful antibody that attacks components of the body called self antigens

37. Antigens can be bacteria, viruses, or fungi that cause infection and disease

38. One of these antigens is termed “ABO”; the other is termed “Rh.”

이 항원들 중 하나는 “ABO”식 혈액형이라고 부르고, 또 하나는 “Rh”식 혈액형이라고 한다.

39. These antibodies are directed against Thyroglobulin and Microsomal antigens of the thyroid

40. Agar electrophoresis carried out on antigens ofCandida species studied yielded six fractions.

41. Agglutination is the process of clumping of antigens with their respective antibodies

42. Blood group Antigens are carbohydrates that are attached to proteins or lipids

43. The antigens of the ABO system showed a 3- to 12-band pattern.

44. Antigens, a term for any foreign substance, like a virus or bacteria, are

45. This either helps the body destroy the Antigens or makes them harmless

46. Antigens are any substance that stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies

47. Blood group antigens in the ABO, Rh and Kell blood group systems

48. For example, each of us produce a large number of self-Antigens

49. For example, the liquids may be antigens used in skin testing for allergies.

50. Immunochemical studies demonstrated no identity of AGP with human “gastrointestinal tumor associated antigens.”