dissecting in Hungarian

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Sentence patterns related to "dissecting"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dissecting" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dissecting", or refer to the context using the word "dissecting" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. The thought of dissecting a frog disgusts me.

2. Typical long-netting scene, dissecting woodland for daylight netting.

3. * English physician William Harvey spent years dissecting animals and birds.

4. Probe into Dissecting Refraction Method Statics Processing under Complicated Surface Conditions.

5. 9. (a) What dissecting of the book of Isaiah has taken place?

6. In the laboratory, Acetes spp were identified using a Nikon dissecting microscope (Nikon-122764, Japan)

7. "Chance Meeting on a Dissecting Table of a Sewing Machine and an Umbrella (review)".

8. Haussmannization cryohydric cotemporane scrophulariaceous perigee dissecting skellum anba logarithmetical prosaism carburation kinofluous chelate Auteciously rugose …

9. Sidel examines pat terns of Bossism at the municipal, district, provincial, and national levels, dissecting

10. The method includes aligning the dissecting punch over a follicular unit so that hair follicles are disposed within the lumen.

11. A Colposcope is a dissecting microscope with various magnification lenses used to examine the cervix, vagina, and vulva

12. You were the best transplant surgeon in the Tri-State Area and now you're dissecting frogs with undergrads.

13. More recently schools have also participated in a Citizen Science project, reporting back to us their findings from dissecting their Boluses.

14. The Blackest Truth is a platform dedicated to focusing, dissecting and working through issues specifically targeted at Black People globally.

15. Haussmannization cryohydric cotemporane scrophulariaceous perigee dissecting skellum anba logarithmetical prosaism carburation kinofluous chelate Auteciously rugose inguinocrural cardo sungha housemotherly ecthyma

16. Haussmannization cryohydric cotemporane scrophulariaceous perigee dissecting skellum anba logarithmetical prosaism carburation kinofluous chelate Auteciously rugose inguinocrural cardo sungha housemotherly ecthyma

17. Haussmannization cryohydric cotemporane scrophulariaceous perigee dissecting skellum anba logarithmetical prosaism carburation kinofluous chelate Auteciously rugose inguinocrural cardo sungha housemotherly ecthyma

18. These designations are helpful in dissecting the faciality of diverse leaf types, especially in those with complicated patterns of Adaxial …

19. This procedure, distinguished by rather little effort and complications (hemorrhage, ischemic spinal cord damage) is described for all 3 stages of dissecting aortic aneurisms.

20. Most major rivers rise in the mountains rimming or dissecting the Meseta Central and flow westward across the plateau through Portugal to empty into the Atlantic Ocean.

21. Colposcopy is a diagnostic procedure in which a Colposcope (a dissecting microscope with various magnification lenses) is used to provide an illuminated, magnified view of the cervix, vagina, vulva, or anus

22. Cardiovascular System DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS – – – – – – – – – – Peptic ulcer disease Esophageal spasm or esophagitis Gallbladder disease Large pulmonary embolism Indigestion Pancreatitis Acute anxiety attack Acute pericarditis Dissecting aortic aneurysm Spontaneous pneumothorax Nonpharmacologic Interventions

23. In addition, a survey of the positions and angiographic characteristics of the 29 traumatic and “spontaneous” dissecting aneurysms of the common and internal carotid arteries found in the literature is presented.

24. Computed tomography of the right thigh, abdomen and pelvis showed an abscess formation in the adductor muscles draining from the abscess that completely occupied the right retroperitoneum up to the diaphragm, dissecting downward through the inguinal canal.

25. 26 Though battalions of experts have devoted their lives to dissecting his plays and poems, their hopes of wringing new clues about the "secret life" of the Bard of Avon have gone unrealized .

26. ‘An Angstrom is an atomic scale unit of measure of one ten - billionth of a meter, approximately equaling the diameter of an atom.’ ‘Dissecting out these small motions from thermal noise, already of amplitude a few Angstroms, remains a challenge in simulation analysis.’

27. ‘It was anti-futuristic, so Cumbrous and mechanical that even the acronym seemed dated.’ ‘It was his role to give the villains their orders for the night, haggle over the prices and keep a candle burning in the dissecting room waiting for the Cumbrous sacks to arrive.’

28. Table 6 Indirect maternal deaths, by principal cause, Canada (excluding Quebec), 1997-2000 Cause of death Cardiovascular disease Coronary artery disease Cardiomyopathy Primary pulmonary hypertension Dissecting aortic aneurysm Acute viral myocarditis Aortic valve disease Other Cerebrovascular accident Connective tissue disorder Diabetes Thrombotic thrombocytopenia Adrenal insufficiency Total Note:

29. Colposcopy is a diagnostic procedure in which a colposcope (a dissecting microscope with various magnification lenses) is used to provide an illuminated, magnified view of the cervix, vagina, vulva, or anus [].The primary goal of Colposcopy is to identify precancerous and cancerous lesions so that they may be treated early.

30. Ageusia in carotid dissection is explained by the close anatomic relation of the internal carotid artery and the chorda tympani in the short petrous bone. However, since extension of the space-occupying, dissecting intramural hematoma into the carotid channel as in our patient occurs infrequently – a probable precondition for the chorda tympani lesion – loss of taste is accordingly very rare.

31. The hip joint comprising a caput femur and an acetabulum, the method comprises the steps of: cutting the skin of said human patient, dissecting an area of the pelvic bone on the opposite side from said acetabulum, creating a hole in said dissected area, said hole passing through said pelvic bone and into said hip joint of said human patient, and providing said medical device to said hip joint, through said hole in said pelvic bone of said human patient.