dissenter in Hungarian

disszenter máshitû nemanglikánprotestáns

Sentence patterns related to "dissenter"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dissenter" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dissenter", or refer to the context using the word "dissenter" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. One who disagrees; a dissenter.

2. Scalia was a dissenter in that case as well.

3. Dissenter audaciously there Brainiest thank until irritating will exaltedly vibrant triumphal

4. The role of the dissenter is not for the weak - kneed.

5. Answer: Superciliously Anteverts tubuliflorous sexagenary wasp's Dissenter doghouse transversum brierberry Trollope lulavs

6. One prominent dissenter, Nikolas Salagiannis, said the reshuffle had generated a slim hope.

7. In this way, Galileo is a force for democracy, becomes Galileo the " dissenter. "

8. I don't consider a person to be disreputable just because he is a dissenter.

9. One could say that he was the dissenter in an age of ... romantic anarchy.

10. It can be hard to be a dissenter in the midst of a war Conceived …

11. The two parties disprove the theory of the other, but unite in persecute the dissenter.

12. 19 He recounted secret Privy Council discussions and acted as go-between in Anglican-dissenter negotiations.

13. It was also a positive term with none of the negative connotations of Nonconformist or Dissenter.

14. Known as "The Great Dissenter, " he wrote Supreme Court opinions that continue to shape American jurisprudence.

15. It's important in building our organizational machines not to exclude the dissenter, the"Outsider", the non-conformist.

16. 29 Tower of London ( 1597 ) Catholic dissenter John a rope stretched from the Tower a getaway rowboat.

17. The two parties disprove the theory of the other,(Sentence dictionary) but unite in persecute the dissenter.

18. But there was an immediate price, as the lone dissenter from Prime Minister Papandreou's parliamentary party was quickly dispelled.

19. But in practice, if most countries want to go ahead with something, they may well ignore a lone dissenter.

20. As a Nonconformist he was not admitted to the BA degree until 18 the first dissenter to be admitted.

21. A later residence in Northamptonshire was licensed in 1673 for dissenter meetings, in spite of his earlier bad reputation there.

22. The only loud dissenter was Venezuela, whose envoy urged America and its allies to call off "invasion plans against Libya".

23. With the senior "liberal" justice, John Paul Stevens, retired, Hurley asks whether Breyer will take over as the lead "dissenter in chief.

24. Because of having less share and the dissenter to controlling shareholders, the minority shareholders are extremely easy to become the object being infringed on.

25. Presidential economic advisor Andrei Illarionov, the lone dissenter in the Kremlin on most aspects of its economic policy, has resigned, Russian news agencies reported Tuesday.

26. Few dissent shareholders can ask the company purchase the shares with fair price and leave the company, and this is the appraisal right of dissenter.

27. After telling their hapless targets that there is "no pressure" to take part, the environmental organizers press a magic button, and presto, another dissenter liquidated — literally.

28. Justice Alito was also the lone dissenter in United States v. Stevens, last year's decision striking down a ban on videos and other depictions of animal cruelty.

29. Some studies have found conformity can be reduced from highs of 97% on a visual judgement task down to only 36% when there is a competent dissenter in the ranks .

30. Tiunov seems to be one of a new breed of Russian dissenter: a young, smart, iPhone-wielding professional, tech-savvy enough to understand the power of the internet and to use it to his advantage.

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