communist party in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "communist party"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "communist party" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "communist party", or refer to the context using the word "communist party" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. On December 18, 1945, local Communist Party committees were combined into the North Korean Communist Party.

2. Communist Party of the Russian Federation

3. They started for a Communist Party hangout.

4. She was one of many Communist Party defectors.

5. He broke all links with the Communist party.

6. The same year, he left the Communist Party.

7. Communist Party conservatives abhor the idea of condoning explicIt'sex.

8. Communist Party diktat has been relabelled as "macroprudential supervision".

9. The Japanese Communist Party is vocally against the flag.

10. Pravda formally was the mouthpiece of the Communist Party.

11. The Church and the Communist Party were natural enemies.

12. The Communists communist party of great britain (marxist-leninist)

13. This paper is the official organ of the Communist Party.

14. She has long been an adherent of the Communist Party.

15. Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Colludes with ‘Communist Party apparatus’, UK …

16. She has long been an Adherent of the Communist Party

17. Thousands of Communist Party members publicly burned their party cards.

18. My brother's a card-carrying member of the Communist Party.

19. 3 The Communist Party has aligned itself with the Socialists.

20. (initial capital letter) the principles and practices of the Communist Party.

21. Andropov, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

22. Joins the Communist Party of China, becomes the probationary party member.

23. The old communist party still holds sway in many rural areas.

24. As a result, he joined the Communist Party in March 1934.

25. China wows bars labor union independent of the party Communist Party.

26. The hammer and sickle is the emblem of the Communist Party.

27. They were to become the cadres of the new Communist party.

28. He was accused of having strong links with the Communist Party.

29. The once-powerful communist party has splintered into hundreds of pieces.

30. Noun (initial capital letter) a member of the Communist Party or movement

31. "Chinese vice minister under investigation by Communist Party in anti-corruption campaign".

32. Noun apparatchiks, Apparatchiki 1 historical A member of a Communist Party apparat

33. The Bulgarian Communist Party created an extensive nomenklatura on each organizational level.

34. This eventually prompted the Communist Party of Vietnam to revoke her membership.

35. The ruling Communist Party perceived this to be a threat against it .

36. This perception grew after Árbenz took power and legalized the Communist Party.

37. The Communist Party was forced underground, and its leaders went into hiding.

38. They broke with the Communist Party and set up a new party.

39. He was confirmed posthumously as a member of the Chinese Communist Party.

40. 13 Was it, because it was orchestrated by the Communist Party, invalid?

41. A disastrous offensive against the Communist Party of Thailand (CPT) was launched.

42. " The core force leading our cause forward is the Chinese Communist Party. "

43. What more natural than that he should gravitate towards the Communist Party?

44. The People's Daily is the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party.

45. The Communist Party was adamantly opposed to fascism during the Popular Front period.

46. He has been Second Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba since 2011.

47. Meanwhile, Moldova's ruling communist party won an absolute majority in Sunday's parliamentary election.

48. 14 In 200 he became one of the few nongovernmental organization leaders invited to address the Central Chinese Communist Party School in Beijing, where the Communist Party trains its future leaders.

49. Kuznetsov held a variety of government and Communist Party positions beginning in 1940.

50. A brief flirtation with the Communist Party - done mainly to shock, he supposed.