companions in distress in Hungarian

sorstársakabajban sorstársakaszerencsétlenségbe

Sentence patterns related to "companions in distress"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "companions in distress" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "companions in distress", or refer to the context using the word "companions in distress" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Not everyone appreciates the donkey's Braying, even though most jennies (female donkeys) are only vocal when in distress, hungry, or greeting you or their companions

2. Pity us in our distress.

3. Companions are odious.

4. Now who's the damsel in distress?

5. 5 Pity us in our distress.

6. Respiratory distress.

7. He is in distress for money.

8. Blockhead, Episode 10: Companions

9. ‘O Jehovah, I am in great distress;

10. Distress flares (7)

11. Code One Alpha Zero, ship in distress.

12. Exulting in Jehovah despite distress (17, 18)

13. Jehovah, Our ‘Fortress in Times of Distress’

14. Peter converted Apuleius and his companions

15. Pets are also commonly considered Companions

16. Bill and Bob are boon companions.

17. Most bacteria are well-behaved companions.

18. Two in distress makes sorrow less. 

19. Fawn Bleats, including fawn-in-distress Bleats

20. A stronghold to the poor in his distress,+

21. Any passengers in distress, please now find Flightcom.

22. Most men will help a damsel in distress.

23. The distress call.

24. A distress signal.

25. Antioxidants do more than rescue cells in distress