centre of gravity in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "centre of gravity"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "centre of gravity" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "centre of gravity", or refer to the context using the word "centre of gravity" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. The resultant triaxial acceleration referring to the head centre of gravity.

2. The resultant triaxial acceleration referring to the head centre of gravity

3. The centre of gravity of global opportunities and challenges are shifting to this region.

4. The Centroid of an area is equivalent with the centre of gravity of a body

5. The resultant acceleration at the centre of gravity shall be measured with a CFC of 180.

6. detector stand and lead shield, in order to facilitate installation and adjust the centre of gravity,

7. In both options the pole is aligned with the centre of gravity of the dummy head.

8. The economic and geo-political centre of gravity of the world is shifting towards our region.

9. When objects have homogeneous density, then its Centroid is the same as its Centre of Gravity.

10. The effect of additional mass blocks must be expressed regarding the position of their centre of gravity.

11. The resultant acceleration at the centre of gravity of the dummy head is calculated from the expression:

12. The resultant triaxial acceleration referring to the centre of gravity (γr) shall be measured with a CFC of

13. The Asian continent was the centre of gravity of the world economy for much of the previous millennium.

14. Three accelerometers are in the head cavity to measure orthogonal accelerations at the centre of gravity of the head assembly

15. In particular, the centre of gravity of global opportunities and challenges are shifting to the Pacific and Indian Ocean Region.

16. We are now in a world where the geopolitical centre of gravity is shifting to Asia and its surrounding oceans.

17. Three accelerometers shall be in the head cavity to measure orthogonal accelerations t the centre of gravity of the head assembly.

18. Three accelerometers shall be in the head cavity to measure orthogonal accelerations t the centre of gravity of the head assembly

19. Definition of Centroid Video Lecture from Chapter Centroid and Centre of Gravity in Engineering Mechanics for First Year Engineering Students.Access the App

20. 28 For instance body centre of gravity is put on a leg only, time grew to make a habit, this leg can coarsen.

21. Trials led to readjustment of the centre of gravity and the replacement of the Gull IV rudder with an aerodynamically balanced one of greater chord.

22. Chalmers (1881) "Multiples of Perpendiculars upon U from Centre of Gravity G and from the Antipoles Y and Z .of y and z.— Equations (S) involve

23. '' ''The aerodynamics are much better than my current Edge and there's less weight on-board. Now, we can move the weight around and alter the centre of gravity.

24. ‘Side-slip or side-slip angle’ means the arctangent of the ratio of the lateral velocity to the longitudinal velocity of the centre of gravity of the vehicle.

25. Side-slip or side-slip angle means the arctangent of the ratio of the lateral velocity to the longitudinal velocity of the centre of gravity of the vehicle

26. Studies on optimum mixture proportion of Ripcord (10EC). omethoate(40EC)and BT in controlling Leaf-eating pests in fruit trees have been carried out by applying simple method centre of gravity design.

27. Buoyancy The weight of a ship acts through the ship's centre of gravity (G). It is counteracted by Buoyancy—the force of displaced water—which acts upward through a centre of Buoyancy (B)

28. The stability of a Buoyant object at the surface is more complex, and it may remain stable even if the centre of gravity is above the centre of buoyancy, provided that when disturbed

29. However, if the bottom is closer to the ground than #,# m, the drop angle shall be changed to maintain a minimum height of #,# m and the centre of gravity #,# m above the ground

30. The head restraint is adjusted such that its top surface is level with the centre of gravity of the dummy's head; if this is not possible, the head restraint must be in the uppermost position.

31. The head restraint shall be adjusted such that its top surface is level with the centre of gravity of the dummy’s head; if this is not possible, the head restraint shall be in the uppermost position.

32. The head restraint shall be adjusted such that its top surface is level with the centre of gravity of the dummy's head; if this is not possible, the head restraint shall be in the uppermost position

33. The head restraint shall be adjusted such that its top surface is level with the centre of gravity of the dummy's head; if this is not possible, the head restraint shall be in the uppermost position.

34. However, if the bottom is closer to the ground than 0,6 m, the drop angle shall be changed to maintain a minimum height of 0,6 m and the centre of gravity 1,8 m above the ground;

35. However, if the bottom is closer to the ground than 0,6 m, the drop angle shall be changed to maintain a minimum height of 0,6 m and a centre of gravity of 1,8 m above the ground.

36. In Cursorial birds and lizards, both of which are bipedal, the feet are enlarged to increase support and the body axis is held perpendicular to the ground, so that the centre of gravity falls between the feet or within the foot-support zone

37. This knot of mountains, which some have called the top-knot at the head of the world, its centre of gravity, or the very axis on which it revolves, is fully 600 miles long and 300 miles in width, comparable to a France or Germany in its expanse.

38. Due to the low centre of gravity of the vehicle, an 18-inch (450 mm) ramp had to be implemented on the road tarmac at Millbrook Proving Grounds and Adam Kirley, the stunt driver who performed the stunt, had to use an air cannon located behind the driver's seat to propel the car into a roll at the precise moment of impact.

39. Knitandpurl commented on the word Burnish "Close to the shore, patches of vapour, soot-black but with the Burnish and consistency of agate, visibly solid and palpable, were trying to rise one above another over the sea in ever wider tiers, so that the highest of them, poised on the top of the twisted column and overreaching the centre of gravity of those which had hitherto supported them