certainly not in Hungarian

certainly not! dehogyis! semmiesetresem! szósincsróla!

Sentence patterns related to "certainly not"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "certainly not" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "certainly not", or refer to the context using the word "certainly not" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Certainly not sustainable.

2. Certainly not from animals.

3. Certainly not Cardinal Orsini.

4. They're certainly not mine.

5. Certainly not someone so prestigious

6. 'Certainly not,' he replied emphatically.

7. I'm certainly not scared of him.

8. Inboard Ailerons are certainly not as effective

9. Certainly not in their rawest, Beetiest form

10. Certainly not the coming of the animal apocalypse.

11. He is certainly not indifferent to our suffering.

12. Certainly not from any of the surrounding nations!

13. City sculptures are certainly not a money waster.

14. He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.

15. This is most certainly not old-world Couture

16. Certainly not for a common swindler like you.

17. These recordings are interesting, but certainly not inventive.

18. She's certainly not great shakes as a mother.

19. He was certainly not my idea of a father.

20. Certainly not enough to change an energy-profligate lifestyle.

21. We shall certainly not resign ourselves to foreign control.

22. An elder would certainly not ‘stop up his ear.’

23. But personal characteristics are certainly not the whole story.

24. Its sad because I would certainly not have tomorrow.

25. And certainly not aerial photographs of a factory on fire.

26. And certainly not at the expense of your own son.

27. There is certainly not much social snobbery or job snobbery.

28. Accumulating many possessions along with “confusion” is certainly not wise.

29. Certainly not in the Aero-Space industry, that's for sure.

30. But we're certainly not going to play highest-bidder games.

31. In my opinion, this is certainly not a square deal.

32. 10 Even though the Marine outclassed, he's certainly not outgunned.

33. The church is certainly not the place for your Bawdy remarks

34. Legal-ish, but far from official, and certainly not Estes-proof.

35. I'm not an expert Airbrusher, and I'm certainly not an artist

36. We should certainly not try to earn God’s favor through moral formalism.

37. It could be A, but certainly not B, C or D, right?

38. Nugent is wild on stage but certainly not the stereotypical rock musician.

39. Life, for me, is certainly not too short to stuff a mushroom.

40. Last, but certainly not least, are the issues of stewardship and ethics.

41. It's a moderately entertaining film but it's certainly not a must-see.

42. I was really excited about it but it was certainly not glamorous.

43. Well, in business, that's certainly not the way we would go about it.

44. He might be everywhere, but he's certainly not in Bartocci's on sale day.

45. Certainly not for a wasteful spendthrift, who preyed upon a gullible old woman!

46. 22 The vesting of such powers in governmental bodies was certainly not new.

47. Growling might capture someone’s attention, but it will certainly not win anyone’s heart.

48. I didn't exactly have a presentiment - certainly not of anything like this happening.

49. Baretta was tough and certainly not afraid to use his fists when required

50. GoCleanse is not a diet and this is certainly not a colon Cleanse