below the line in Hungarian

elégtelen nemelfogadható nemmegfelelô

Sentence patterns related to "below the line"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "below the line" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "below the line", or refer to the context using the word "below the line" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. You're a technician, below the line.

2. 4 The advertising campaign will be supported by a PR and below-the-line promotion.

3. Stress marks above the line indicate primary stress, while those below the line show secondary stress.

4. Below-the-line (filmmaking) Film budgeting Film crew Television crew "Film & TV Production Roles and Departments" (PDF).

5. The deficit is in theory equal to net financial transactions (i.e., the “above the line” is equal to the “below the line”).

6. Boatward boilingly businesslikely bat-crap battleward bodingly barefooted battlewards bonifiable butchly big-time biodynamically bodkin brumously belchingly bibliometrically boorishly Buddhistically bilabially bioecologically biopolitically braggingly below the line binationally

7. Initially "above the line" referred to investments (since advertising may eventually lead to a sale) whereas below the line referred to expenditures such as an on-pack promotion.

8. BEIJING - The Abalone Council Australia has appointed G2 as its below-the-line agency in China, having called a pitch that also included Wunderman and BBDO-affiliated domestic agency Shunya.