before my eyes in Hungarian

sajátszememelôtt tulajdonszememelôtt tulajdonszememláttára

Sentence patterns related to "before my eyes"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "before my eyes" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "before my eyes", or refer to the context using the word "before my eyes" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. The numbers swam before my eyes.

2. Here was living afflatus right before my eyes!

3. The room began to whirl before my eyes.

4. 9 The sick, chiselled visage of Frankenstein returned before my eyes.

5. So all the ingrained prejudice and hatred melted away before my eyes.”

6. To see my body literally wither away before my eyes was exasperating.

7. 28 To see my body literally wither away before my eyes was exasperating.

8. They were in chronological order and I saw him grow older before my eyes.

9. This Cheerful, amusing picture appeared before my eyes this morning and made me smile

10. As a laser scientist, the answer was just before my eyes: Lasers, of course.

11. It landed on the bottom in the rubble and -- fwoosh! -- vanished right before my eyes.

12. The musket and cannon fire seemed so real, making history spring to life before my eyes.

13. Breathalysed, Crystals turning green before my eyes I can hardly realise, that I have been breathalyzed

14. I still can not conceal from you my feeling of exultation as I first watched these exquisite creatures emerging before my eyes.

15. Breathalysed (by Fred Wedlock) Breathalysed, Crystals turning green before my eyes I turn pale as I realise That I have just been Breathalysed

16. Then Amʹnon said to the king: “Please, let my sister Taʹmar come in and bake two heart-shaped cakes before my eyes so that I may take food from her hand.”

17. Explore some of Anaximenes best quotations and sayings on -- such as 'To what purpose should I trouble myself in searching out the secrets of the stars, having death or slavery continually before my eyes?' and more

18. I, poor fool, exulting in the splendid throes of accomplishment, never dreamed that the real christening of my Bantling was the toast the Master of Hell drank as the name "Amalgamated" was slowly traced upon the pad before my eyes; never dreamed that