before the house in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "before the house"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "before the house" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "before the house", or refer to the context using the word "before the house" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. 13 There were a few lordly poplars before the house.

2. We understand that this bill will not come before the House of Lords until after Easter. -Ed.

3. Immediately after a clause is placed before the House , amendments thereto can be moved subject to the conditions of admissibility .

4. A bill before the House signals the end of the real battle and the start of a squabble over detail.

5. 23 Bill Thomas, R-Calif., shortly before the House voted 224-187 to authorize an eight-member panel to conduct the investigation.

6. Trumbo is one of 10 screenwriters subpoenaed to testify before the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) regarding alleged Communist propaganda in Hollywood films.

7. In October 2015, Gowdy was the point man who grilled Hillary Clinton during 11 hours of questioning before the House Select Committee on Benghazi over the terrorist attack that killed four

8. Blinken Condemns 'ethnic cleansing' in Ethiopia's Tigray US Secretary of State Antony Blinken testifies before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, where he alleged "ethnic cleansing" in Ethiopia's Tigray region

9. It is a bit difficult to present and debate a measure before the House without acknowledgment of what the cost might be and some idea of where it ought to come from.

10. The weavers assembled before the house of one of the most respectable manufacturers, of the name of Zwanziger, signing a song, in which the behaviour of this individual towards his workmen was Animadverted upon, and which seems to have been manufactured for that occasion []

11. During the Seventh Lok Sabha , for example , out of 5762 notices of adjournment motion received , only 149 were brought before the House and finally only 24 of them could be admitted and discussed , and none of them was adopted , In the Eighth Lok Sabha , notices of 1801 adjournment motions were received .

12. (Suetonius:94:4) The day he was born the conspiracy of Catiline was before the House, and Octavius came late because of his wife's confinement; then Publius Nigidius, as everyone knows, learning the reason for his tardiness and being informed also of the hour of the birth, declared that the ruler of the world had been born.

13. In our country, partitions years have contributed to the formation of Marriage is a very important event - in Torun, and above all in its vicinity there is a custom called Portela (Polter Abend), and even simpler - it is on the bottle - a bottle and thrown garbage in front bride, the groom has to clean up and put vodka, what was gathered before the house.

14. There is no effect on the business pending before the House on adjournment of House sine die but as per Rule 335 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Lok Sabha , on the prorogation of the House , all pending notices , other than notices of intention to move for leave to introduce Bills , lapse , and fresh notices have to be given for the next session .

15. A matter of urgent public importance , however , can be brought before the House through an adjournment motion by interrupting the regular business if the Speaker agrees to do so.2 The basic object of bringing an adjournment motion is to draw the attention of the House to a recent matter of urgent public importance haying serious consequences , and in regard to which moving a motion or resolution with proper notice will be too late .