at other times in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "at other times"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "at other times" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "at other times", or refer to the context using the word "at other times" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. At other times they have gone for funerals.

2. At other times, the animals will disperse widely.

3. At other times, his statements undermined such hopeful words.

4. At other times, he'd force her to walk totally unassisted.

5. At other times, there may be signs of early cancer.

6. At other times, converse sets of taboos could be quite useful.

7. At other times it has been by His own direct action.

8. At other times their self-evident frustration sets your teeth on edge.

9. However, at other times I feel at the end of my tether.

10. At other times it may be crash learning for a specific project.

11. At other times he laughs out loud in class for no apparent reason.

12. But at other times they seem completely mystified by how to do so.

13. At other times, it has pursued a policy of letting the pound float.

14. Sometimes fun activities just happen spontaneously; at other times they take careful planning.

15. At other times we stretched a sheet between two poles in the open air.

16. At other times cultural groups regard themselves in a superior relationship to other cultures.

17. Sometimes he's fun to be with; at other times he can be very moody.

18. At other times, one may find it necessary to backtrack to a previous Step.

19. At other times, he resorted to pantomime, as in lying before a brick symbolizing Jerusalem.

20. Sometimes we went to the beach and at other times we sunbathed on the patio.

21. However, do notice whether there is a lingering odour of cooked food at other times.

22. At time he was almost seductively charming; at other times he was boorish and obtuse.

23. 15 Lurid crimes. At other times it merely refers to glaring and usually unsavory sensationalism.

24. At other times you may even want to get down on your knees as Jesus did.

25. 20 However, do notice whether there is a lingering odour of cooked food at other times.

26. At other times it is a gambit to extract the maximum price concession from the seller.

27. 26 Sometimes we went to the beach and at other times we sunbathed on the patio.

28. At other times, angry crowds would rock the car, trying to pull the loudspeaker off the roof.

29. At times it feels right to be simple and direct and at other times roundabout and colorful.

30. At other times they plod along in drawn - out lines , creating deep ruts in the dusty soil.

31. At other times, he wore a straightjacket, like the kind used in mental hospitals to restrain patients.

32. At other times it was treated as a day-to-day activity, associated only with mundane needs.

33. The greatest scientists have mixed insight amounting to genius with the most absurd follies at other times.

34. A. boreas is frequently encountered during the wet season on roads, or near water at other times.

35. At other times a wild laughter would bubble up out of his body for no apparent reason.

36. At other times, they waged an incessant guerrilla war, attacking isolated Roman garrisons, ambushing caravans, cutting supply routes.

37. 26 At other times it was treated as a day-to-day activity, associated only with mundane needs.

38. But at other times it may be very difficult to single out policy issues that divide the parties.

39. But for many days he felt a curious discomfort, almost giddy at times, almost sad at other times.

40. Cabals are sometimes secret societies composed of a few designing persons, and at other times are manifestations of

41. At times I felt at home in all, and at other times I thought I belonged to none.

42. At other times he would find Marcus talking to Irina, and ready to go out for a walk.

43. 8 In spite of this, though, you should never lapse into indifference in your presentation at other times.

44. At other times , they brought the original letters intended for despatch , and left copies of them in the office .

45. At other times her minimalist approach seems vaguely stilted, and even her immensely watchable face can't carry the day.

46. A Negro was acceptable, even lovable, if he came out only when invited and at other times stayed back.

47. Aggravating floods Sometimes that's Aggravating but at other times that's/it's - English Only forum Visitez le forum French-English

48. The professor was a real Jekyll and Hyde - sometimes kind and charming, and at other times rude and obnoxious.

49. The hotel's restaurant serves a buffet breakfast and a substantial and well-prepared choice of meals at other times.

50. • At other times, however, he is more Circumspect and admits that this is a hotly disputed issue in biology