at the appointed time in Hungarian

kitûzöttidôpontban megadottidôpontban megbeszéltidôbe

Sentence patterns related to "at the appointed time"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "at the appointed time" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "at the appointed time", or refer to the context using the word "at the appointed time" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Everyone was assembled at the appointed time.

2. At the appointed time, community dweller shops more convenient.

3. You need to be in court at the Appointed time

4. See also: Appoint at the Appointed time At a specific, designated time

5. Paul wrote: “Christ, while we were yet weak, died for ungodly men at the appointed time. . . .

6. They arrived at the appointed time, but the householder told them she had no time to talk.

7. I'll never get to my interview at the Appointed time with all this traffic! See also: Appoint

8. At the Appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.” Genesis 21:1-2 And the LORD visited Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as He had spoken