at a disadvantage in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "at a disadvantage"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "at a disadvantage" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "at a disadvantage", or refer to the context using the word "at a disadvantage" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Look, you're starting at a disadvantage.

2. 9 Though normally good-natured and easygoing, Paul hated to be at a disadvantage.

3. So please don't remonstrate; in talking about it you have me at a disadvantage.

4. Each ring we retrieve will strengthen me, but I will still be at a disadvantage.

5. OSFI's ability to ensure Canadian financial institutions are not at a disadvantage vs foreign competitors

6. Cavalry have more speed than ground troops, but at a disadvantage of lacking ranged weapons (dragoons being an exception)

7. If all the tall trees suddenly died out and only short grass was left, all those long-necked giraffes would be at a disadvantage.

8. This is particularly true in the case of the Afro-descendent minority, which is clearly at a disadvantage in relation to the white majority.

9. In desktop computers, RISC is still at a disadvantage compared to CISC because most of the applications currently on the market work with CISC.

10. A frigate captain rarely has to worry about his gun deck taking on water, and can therefore fight in conditions that leave bigger ships at a disadvantage.

11. The main weapon of the Bulwark, however, is his discipline and defensive tactics that not only repel the enemy but also keep them at a disadvantage for as long as possible

12. Although the Republicans' nationalist platform was in many ways similar to that of the PSR, Sirik Matak's rather aloof style placed him at a disadvantage to the populism of Lon Nol.

13. The statistical comparison of ACT assumes an identical anamnesis and an identical intermediate prognosis. This puts ACT at a disadvantage, due to a probable different effectiveness of treatment options in clinical practice.

14. Advocacy is — Gathering signatures from members of your community for a petition to alter public educational practices that are putting your students at a disadvantage and/or not offering ample classroom support.

15. 79 Female workers who exercise that right subject to the condition that annual leave ceases to accrue during the period of unpaid leave cannot be regarded as at a disadvantage compared to male workers.

16. It is absolutely vital for social dialogue, especially sectoral dialogue, (29) and public policies to converge in order to increase and transform the e-skills of groups that are at a disadvantage on the labour market.

17. I must admit that I am not the most comfortable car in the world, and my small size and light weight can put me at a disadvantage in an accident or when I am being driven under hazardous conditions.

18. Recognizing that Pacific small island developing States share the same vulnerabilities as those of other small island developing States and are economically and ecologically fragile and vulnerable, while their small size, limited resources, geographic dispersion and isolation from markets place them at a disadvantage economically and prevents economies of scale,