at all points in Hungarian

mindenponton mindentekintetben mindenvonatkozásba

Sentence patterns related to "at all points"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "at all points" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "at all points", or refer to the context using the word "at all points" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Aligned: having a height, size, or location that is the same at all points

2. CIDA is accountable for exercising appropriate monitoring and control at all points in the project life cycle.

3. The Government of Bangladesh has begun distributing health information cards and conducting temperature screening of all passengers arriving in Bangladesh at all points of entry

4. So natural log of absolute value of y is nice, and it's actually true that at all points other than 0, its derivative is 1 over y.

5. As adjectives the difference between parallel and Antiparallel is that parallel is equally distant from one another at all points while Antiparallel is (mathematics) of vectors, parallel but of opposite direction

6. As adjectives the difference between Adjacent and parallel is that Adjacent is lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring; bordering on while parallel is equally distant from one another at all points

7. Arm twisting; arm up; armchair; armchair general; armchair quarterback; armed and dangerous; armed at all points; armed to the teeth; armor; armour; armpit; armpit of the universe; armpit of the world; arm's length; arm-twister; arm-twisting; army; army brat; army volunteer; arose; around; around (one's) ears; around (someone or something