as late as the seventeenth century in Hungarian

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Sentence patterns related to "as late as the seventeenth century"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "as late as the seventeenth century" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "as late as the seventeenth century", or refer to the context using the word "as late as the seventeenth century" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Cryotherapy has been used as early as the seventeenth century.

2. Looking back to the seventeenth century, or forward to the late twentieth century.

3. These clubs began as coffeehouses in the seventeenth century.

4. 8 So why should he, the late seventeenth-century undertaker, be treated with such disdain?

5. The Dutch in the Seventeenth Century.

6. The seventeenth-century chateau of Souverain-Moulin.

7. Coyness and Crime in Restoration Comedy examines the extraordinary focus on coy women in late seventeenth-century English comedy

8. The author was writing in the seventeenth century.

9. As early as the 14th century, English law compelled innkeepers and landlords to exhibit signs from the late 14th-century.

10. Well established as a profession by the seventeenth century, the Apothecaries were chemists, mixing and selling their own medicines.

11. The land was enclosed in the seventeenth century .

12. 14 The land was enclosed in the seventeenth century .

13. Late seventeenth century: The Gheranda Samhita, considered one of three classic Hatha yoga texts, listed 32 Asanas to build body strength

14. A similar point was made by the seventeenth-century philosopher John Locke, who saw it as an insoluble mystery.

15. France, in the seventeenth century, who wrote Maximes, maxims.

16. Such trade was difficult enough in the seventeenth century.

17. The two main strands were known as General Baptists and Particular Baptists. There were also a few Sabbatarian or Seventh-day Baptists in the late seventeenth century, but they were never numerous.

18. As late as the first decades of this century it involved ophiolatry, human sacrifice, and Anthropophagism

19. This system was adhered to throughout the seventeenth century.

20. Numerous editions were published across Europe in the seventeenth century.

21. By the early seventeenth century, therefore, foreign offices, in so far as they existed, were still for the most part embryonic.

22. The ornately carved doors were made in the seventeenth century.

23. THE FIVE-COURSE GUITAR AND Accompanimental PRACTICE IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY The five-course guitar has long been cited as an influence on seventeenth-century harmonic practice, but the specifics of that influence remain vague, especially in terms of continuo practice in early- and mid-century Italy

24. They were introduced in the seventeenth century as a method of paying for the upkeep of highways when other methods had failed.

25. The reign of Queen Elizabeth lapped over into the seventeenth century.