as he wonts to do in Hungarian

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Sentence patterns related to "as he wonts to do"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "as he wonts to do" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "as he wonts to do", or refer to the context using the word "as he wonts to do" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. He reported what he saw... as he was asked to do.

2. He was undecided as to what to do next.

3. He has been worrying as if he was paid to do it by the nation.

4. So he is at a loss as to what to do with him.

5. She wept and pleaded until he agreed to do as she wished.

6. And Kutuzov began, as old people often do, gazing abstractedly about him, as though forgetting all he had to say or do.

7. As he got near, she called out to him: “Do not come here!

8. 14 She wept and pleaded until he agreed to do as she wished.

9. As you do your best, He will help you.

10. In that event you must do as he says.

11. Can an absolute ruler do just as he pleases?

12. He argued that to do so would be seen as a concession to the Italians.

13. As with eating, Quinn felt that he could make do with less than he was accustomed to.

14. How do you think Jeremiah felt as he spoke to the people of Judah?

15. Were he to do the test, he would do it in a deferent way.

16. As Jesus goes over to the body, all must wonder what he is going to do.

17. “As the door closed he turned his back to me to do something with his pants.

18. He has cash and guns to sustain him, as well as cunning, ruthlessness and do-or-die determination.

19. Of course, he respects the right of others to do as they wish, but he worships only the Creator.

20. Old Man Olsen was making a corsage of gardenias, just as he used to do.

21. He can't do that to me.

22. He encouraged neighbors to do likewise.

23. He is competent to do it.

24. There he learned that as a jobholder he lacked the power to do what needed to be done to create high-quality publications.

25. He said: “Take this, and do as you like with it.”