abridged version in Hungarian

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Sentence patterns related to "abridged version"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "abridged version" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "abridged version", or refer to the context using the word "abridged version" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Abridged version

2. The abridged version, please.

3. Abridged version provided - "Hard Copy Document"

4. Well give me the abridged version.

5. I shall deliver an abridged version.

6. This is a further abridged version.

7. I'll give you the abridged version.

8. Okay, well, here's the abridged version.

9. Well, she's just got the abridged version.

10. In a slightly abridged version, it reads:

11. Also available in an abridged version entitled:

12. A much shorter abridged version also circulates.

13. An abridged version of Romeo and Juliet.

14. • Also available in an abridged version entitled:

15. You provided an abridged version of his remark.

16. • Refer to the abridged version of the CRC.

17. This page presents an abridged version of the Code.

18. The children read the novel in its abridged version.

19. This is an abridged version of the original report.

20. Uh, so I' il give you the abridged version

21. Did you read the whole book or the abridged version?

22. This abridged version presents the main highlights of the report.

23. ◦ Abridged Version of the Government Response - March 15, 2000 (html | pdf)

24. This study is an abridged version of Morissette and Rosa (2003).

25. Did you read the whole book or only the abridged version?

26. The publications are available in unabridged and abridged version in several languages.

27. This is an abridged version of her new novel "The Queen and I".

28. It was released in an abridged version as The Phantom Fiend in 1935.

29. Where an abridged version is annexed, it must comply with the following directions:

30. In the interest of time, I am reading an abridged version of the text.

31. The tables attached to this report show an abridged version of these financial statements.

32. I will read an abridged version of the EU statement, which is being circulated.

33. This document is a revision of the original abridged version, published in March 2004.

34. I shall read out an abridged version of the statement of the European Union.

35. But in this context I'm just going to read an abridged version of those texts.

36. The Abridged version of the novel When might abbreviate be a better fit than Abridge?

37. All right, why do I feel like I'm getting the abridged version of this story?

38. Access is free but users must create an account and login to the Abridged version.

39. An abridged version of these financial statements is shown in the tables attached to the report.

40. Isuma magazine signalled interest in publishing an abridged version of the paper in an upcoming issue;

41. An abridged version of these financial statements is given in the tables attached to the report.

42. The abridged version of the financial statements is given in the tables annexed to this report.

43. The abridged version of these financial statements is presented in the tables annexed to this report.

44. The following article is an abridged version of a speech given by Porter in May 2000.

45. My intervention will be an abridged version, Sir, keeping to your time limits, with which I agree.

46. • Refer to the abridged version of the UDHR and copy it onto a large sheet of paper.

47. the annexes referred to in the schedule accompanying the abridged version must be attached to that version.

48. Wilson (Australia): In the interest of time, I too will deliver an abridged version of my statement.

49. This article is an abridged version of his Inaugural Lecture, given at the University on 2 March.

50. I will read an abridged version of our statement and copies of the full text will be distributed.