absolute necessity in Hungarian

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Sentence patterns related to "absolute necessity"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "absolute necessity" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "absolute necessity", or refer to the context using the word "absolute necessity" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. A computer is an absolute necessity now.

2. Exercising control over maritime traffic is an absolute necessity.

3. I was compelled to do so by absolute necessity.

4. 3 I was compelled to do so by absolute necessity.

5. A re-structuring of the forest is therefore an absolute necessity.

6. For many mothers, holding down a full-time job is an absolute necessity.

7. In the current product-safety climate, new legal instruments are an absolute necessity.

8. Coordination among humanitarian partners was an absolute necessity for meeting the needs of beneficiaries

9. Cooperation is still an absolute necessity in order to combat the scourge of terrorism.

10. Just need the family records book, an absolute necessity for their French filiation and inheritance.

11. Stress is probably the worst enemy I have, and avoiding it is an absolute necessity.

12. New legislation adopted in July # limited solitary confinement for minors to cases of absolute necessity

13. Collaboration between the United Nations and the AU and the communities is an absolute necessity.

14. This is an absolute necessity and to work in defiance of it means total failure.

15. The mere desire to eliminate the need to prepare further copies does not constitute absolute necessity.

16. The perfect Broncos Hat is an absolute necessity whether you're a football or a fashion fanatic

17. But for everyone genuinely interested in “the greater glory of God,” it is an absolute necessity.

18. It is an absolute necessity if globalization is to be accepted by all countries and peoples.

19. This document is, admittedly, an absolute necessity, which is precisely why we must scrutinise its content closely.

20. They are an absolute necessity for reducing postage and advertising costs and receiving more favorable postage rates.

21. • The absolute necessity test is short to absolute prohibition and has been met in limited circumstances only.

22. • The possible problems involved in "repatriating" funds, legislation • The absolute necessity to negotiate in one’s own language.

23. A close relationship with God nurtured by regular communication with him is an absolute necessity for balance.

24. In all forms of damage to the deep veins, a BP curve during movement is an absolute necessity.

25. Closer coordination between the various Commission directorates, notably trade, environment, fisheries, RELEX and development is an absolute necessity.

26. The whole of the MNC therefore constitutes a very disparate bloc whose regional integration is of absolute necessity.

27. Present-day specifications regarding working accuracy and output make constant efforts towards complementing existing knowledge an absolute necessity.

28. It is fair enough to think of ourselves as explorers driven by absolute necessity or some ineluctable task.

29. Throughout those statements, we noted a commonality of interests regarding the absolute necessity of reforming the Security Council.

30. Throughout those statements, we noted a commonality of interests regarding the absolute necessity of reforming the Security Council

31. • Records subject to a claim of solicitor-client privilege may be ordered disclosed only in case of absolute necessity.

32. Navigation was considered closed (Latin, mare clausum) from November 11 to March 10, except in cases of absolute necessity or urgency.

33. But if there is a project which is of absolute necessity, then the Government looks at it on a G2G basis.

34. The Securyploof alarm is born from this absolute necessity to protect children by increasing the only effective preventive solution : your watchfulness.

35. An overdraft, instead of being viewed as an emergency credit, has become an “absolute necessity” for the 3.5 million Britons who are permanently overdrawn.

36. Such mechanisms and practical measures must be put in place in order to improve mutual trust in Europe's judicial systems, which is an absolute necessity.

37. The incredibly high price of flying food into these remote Northern aboriginal communities and the high rate of unemployment makes this an absolute necessity for survival.

38. Contributing to the de-escalation of tensions and the respect of international law should be viewed as an absolute necessity and the collective responsibility of all to ensure.

39. ‘For the full industrialization of the under-developed countries, for the continuation of our civilization and its further development, atomic energy is not merely an aid, it is an absolute necessity.

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41. Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, for us, cancelling the poorest countries’ debts is, indeed, an absolute necessity if we wish seriously to tackle North-South inequalities and maldevelopment as much as underdevelopment.

42. In view of the global dimension of the communicable disease situation and its impact on poverty accelerated action by the Community and its Member States, targeting its various dimensions, must be considered an absolute necessity.'

43. For example, reliable information to assess macroeconomic developments such as inflation, economic growth and the business cycle in general constitutes an absolute necessity in order to enable the coordination and deepened economic policy coordination among Member States.