trusty in Hindi


  1. विश्वासी "My trusty old friend came to my help." trusty <N.>
  2. कैदी{जिसको~उसकी~ईमानदारी~के~कारण~विषेशाधिकार~दिया~हो} "He is a trusty in the jail."

Sentence patterns related to "trusty"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "trusty" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "trusty", or refer to the context using the word "trusty" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Is your “sword” trusty or rusty?

2. Among those tools is the trusty Biscuit joiner

3. Yes, he had his trusty old penknife.

4. Yes, he had his trusty old penknife.Sentencedict

5. He had his trusty old penknife with him.

6. Good communication sill, high team spirit, honest and trusty.

7. It could then have served as a trusty shield.

8. My trusty old car will get us home safely.

9. He is always a plain and trusty person.

10. Getting out our trusty microscope, let’s examine a typical leaf.

हमारे भरोसेमन्द माइक्रोस्कोप को बाहर निकालकर, आइए एक ठेठ पत्ती को जाँचें।

11. Armed with their trusty detectors, they searched the garden thoroughly.

12. What about John Noakes and indeed his trusty helpmate Shep?

13. The master left his money with a trusty servant.

14. She spent years touring Europe with her trusty old camera.

15. And here's his sidekick extraordinaire, the ever-trusty Little Lightning!

16. She bit her lip and considered, consulting her trusty road atlas.

17. Those trusty yellow peaches in syrup still suit her just fine.

18. Don’t worry though, most Blackheads can be extracted with a trusty comedone extractor!

19. The trusty had a silly, sycophantic manner of raising one hand in salute.

20. 25 Yes, they roam the skies on their trusty steeds, well Ostrich's actually.

21. Yes, they roam the skies on their trusty steeds, well Ostrich's actually.

22. Kings of the era were assigned Cupbearers, who were trusty staff members responsible for

23. He was made a trusty and the other prisoners got on well with him.

24. So let me get my trusty Tl- 85 out, and actually calculate that.

25. We all deplore his loss deeply, and I lose a valued friend and trusty officer."

"नेपाल ने एक अच्छा दोस्त खो दिया है और मैंने एक सम्मानित और आदर्श व्यक्तित्व को खो दिया है।

26. I brought my trusty Titleist close to my lips, and I said encouraging things to it.

27. Trusty-Cook’s durable soft face Bossing mallets will shape metal without leaving a mark

28. Our trusty electric breaker was called for, and ear defenders were handed out - they were absolutely vital!

29. Get rid of the trusty old Program Manager and replace it with the Start menu?

30. His companions are the trusty watchdog Tock, his body a lively alarm clock, and the Braggartly Humbug

31. His trusty flying friend Fernando has promised to help Hugo and fly through the jungle wilderness.

32. And the trusty system, which allowed certain inmates to have power and control over others, was also abolished.

और न्यासी प्रणाली, जिन्होंने कुछ कैदियों को अन्य कैदियों पर नियंत्रण करने की जो क्षमता दी गई थी, उसे भी समाप्त कर दिया गया।


34. So with his trusty bow and a quiver full of arrows he set out to prove everyone else wrong.

35. But it is Day-Lewis who dominates everything as he races around, long locks flowing and trusty musket in tow.

36. The Great Highland Bagpipe, with its sizable air bag, three trusty drones, tuneful chanter and long mouthpiece, is the chosen pipe of Scotland

37. Bolt action We have a wide range of rifle parts kits, covering everything from trusty bolt actions to advanced semi-automatic and even military rifles

38. There are many more exciting Broadleaved evergreens to see, such as the rhododendron look-alike, Daphniphyllum macropodum or our trusty American holly, Ilex opaca

39. And ther's a hand, my trusty friend, And gie's a hand o' thine; We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet, For Auld lang syne

40. (Yeah, they’re mostly white folks too, but I figured the wily Amerinds couldn’t be BSing all of them.) Initial investigations into variations of “trusty” turned up nothing

41. Named after the trusty Trojan that followed Aeneas throughout his adventures, Achates is a humanist sans workhorse well suitable for broad range of design projects

42. Upon a Baulk, that is, an unploughed ridge of land interposed among the corn, the Laird's trusty palfrey was tethered by the head, and picking a

43. Says Chicago Public Relations Man Walter Robinson, father of three boys: "The Beatles are explorers, trusty advance scouts. I like them to report to my kids."

44. Upon a Baulk, that is, an unploughed ridge of land interposed among the corn, the Laird's trusty palfrey was tethered by the head, and picking a meal of grass.

45. Fengli Group has always been pursuing the principle of trusty and lawful operation to redound upon the society, gaining unanimous favorable comments from all walks of society.

46. For example, Matt Dillon’s trusty sidekick, Chester Goode (Chester Proudfoot in the radio version), walked with a limp on television, a physical attribute that would be nearly impossible to convey over airwaves

47. Max Crumbly — Masters of Mischief Max Crumbly — Masters of Mischief When we last left our courageous hero, Max Crumbly, and his trusty sidekick Erin, they had just finished foiling the plans of some bumbling thieves

48. Never just an ivory tower, or a monument, the Campanile is a trusty landmark, a familiar friend, a treasure trove of history, a music box, a guardian, a solace and a thing of great beauty

49. 15 hours ago · Hunter, whose photographs will be collected in a book from Rizzoli next year, got his start documenting the Los Angeles nightlife scene of the Aughts with his trusty Canon, eventually traveling

50. He thought that the kismet fall to be the origin of value, which is humanity. The humanity is naturally good, which can educe that the people are trusty and can be treated as the subject in polity.