tune in Hindi

tune <N.>

  1. धुन "Play a tune correctly on the flute." tune <V.>
  2. सुर~मिलाना "The violinist had to tune his instrument with the guitarist."
  3. के~अनुकूल~बना~लेना "He had to tune his car according to the sharp slopes."
  4. के~अनुकूल~होना "His answers were finely tuned to what the interviewers wanted."

Sentence patterns related to "tune"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tune" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tune", or refer to the context using the word "tune" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. The original tune?

2. Oh, this old tune.

3. Same way, different tune.

4. What a delightful tune.

5. Can you hear the tune?

6. Can you sing this tune?

7. They sang perfectly in tune.

8. Please tune in next time.

9. She sings a loud tune.

10. Birdsong —Just Another Pretty Tune?

11. The goldfish love that tune!

12. I sing out of tune.

13. What's that tune you're humming?

14. It was a catchy tune .

15. Do you recognize this tune?

16. You're not singing in tune.

17. You always dance to Baldy's tune.

18. And it's very difficult to tune.

19. The tune goes something like this.

20. The piano is out of tune.

21. He began to hum a tune.

22. 1 It was a catchy tune .

23. He was humming a familiar tune.

24. The clarinet was out of tune.

25. My singing is out of tune.

26. The tune set our toes twinkling.

27. Sam was humming a little tune .

28. I just can't sing in tune!

29. Every gun makes its own tune.

30. Tune it to emr-designation " hatchling ".

31. Be in Tune with Spiritual Promptings

32. The tune has a fast tempo.

33. This horn is out of tune.


35. He hummed the tune to me.

36. He played the tune on the horn.

37. He marched off, whistling a merry tune.

38. Tune in to specialized and international channels.

39. I feel more in tune with nature .

लेकिन मुझे जैसे प्रकृति ने अपने वश में कर लिया है .

40. " It is a tune that we cherish "

41. You've been whistling that tune all day.

42. None of them could sing in tune.

43. Bonito tune - distributed tuning of network hyperparameters

44. You change your tune every five minutes.

45. She played a tune on her trumpet.

46. Overall, we aren’t really digging this tune.

47. Tails, you can play her a tune.

48. That tune is not in my repertoire.

49. It went out of tune very easily.

50. The guitar was badly out of tune.