tolerant in Hindi


  1. सहनशील "He is a tolerant person and easily adapts to new situations."

Sentence patterns related to "tolerant"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tolerant" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tolerant", or refer to the context using the word "tolerant" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Adjustment-tolerant photovoltaic cell

2. “TOLERANT men are never stupid, and stupid men are never tolerant,” says a Chinese proverb.

“सहनशील व्यक्ति कभी मूर्ख नहीं होते, और मूर्ख व्यक्ति कभी सहनशील नहीं होते,” एक चीनी कहावत है।

3. Is she more mellow and tolerant?

4. The plants are tolerant of frost.

5. I am not any longer tolerant.

6. Kuwaiti society is diverse and tolerant.

7. You become less tolerant and frustrated.

8. She's tolerant toward those impudent colleagues.

9. He's pretty tolerant of my faults.

10. They were, however, tolerant of other faiths.

लेकिन उन्होंने कहा कि अन्य धर्मों के प्रति असहिष्णु नहीं था।

11. A Tolerant Kingdom in an Intolerant Age

12. He's tolerant, enlightened, engaged with the West.

13. Rye is tolerant of poor, acid soils.

14. Officers will be tolerant of peaceful demonstrations.

15. 15 The plant is tolerant of saltwater.

16. Her parents were Broadminded, tolerant, and liberal

17. Giant Arborvitae is the most shade tolerant

18. Amsterdam culture is tolerant, direct and innovative

19. Many of these plants are drought tolerant.

20. They are more tolerant towards gypsies now.

21. Be patient, tolerant and bide your time.

22. C. quadrangula is rather tolerant to acid stress

23. Very high-acceleration tolerant circuit card packaging structure

24. 25 Her parents were broadminded, tolerant, and liberal.

25. Bush Allamandas are evergreen and moderately salt-tolerant

26. Acid tolerant calcium carbonate composition and uses therefor

27. C. quadrangula is rather tolerant to acid stress.

28. She is more tolerant, especially toward the children.

29. They learn to be tolerant of other people.

30. They are tolerant - they survive the Barrenest environment

31. He has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions.

32. Public opinion towards LGBT people is becoming more tolerant.

33. Her parents were broadminded, tolerant(sentencedict .com), and liberal.

34. It's naive to think that teachers are always tolerant.

35. She has become a lot more tolerant and communicative.

36. The present government is even less tolerant of dissent.

37. Hardy Bulbs, like tulips and daffodils, are cold tolerant.

38. Bluems – blue and otherwise; Black Walnut Tolerant Ornamentals: Jul3

39. Robust systems are also fault tolerant and fail-safe.

40. 9 I was more tolerant of her developmental stages.

41. They were also more tolerant of ambiguity and contradiction.

42. As his namesake he is tolerant, prudent and generous.

43. 2: 1000-1212: Almoravids and Almohads come, lot less tolerant

44. Astilbe are shade-tolerant plants with average moisture needs

45. I sometimes warm and tolerant and sometimes eventful stingy.

46. As a man, you should be tolerant and magnanimous.

47. He is tolerant of those who disagree with him.

48. Bluebirds are quite tolerant of human monitoring of their nests

49. 4. Fault-tolerant or self-reconfiguring "active flight control systems";

50. Luckily, my parents were tolerant of my choice of music.