together in Hindi


  1. एक~साथ "The two of them together went to the market." "All his troubles seem to have come together."
  2. इकठ्ठा "Gather them together."
  3. बराबर "For hours together he can talk about bird species."

Sentence patterns related to "together"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "together" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "together", or refer to the context using the word "together" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. In the army we worked together, trained together, lived together.

2. They have traveled together, Boulevardiered together, played softball together, had the occasional adult beverage together

3. We rode together, killed together.

4. We work together, we play together.

5. Altogether / all together Altogether / all together

6. We ride together, we, you know, we, we eat together and we sleep together.

7. Together.

8. You must learn to work together, react together.

9. Come on together! Brandish the florid youth together!

10. Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford 

11. Feet together.

12. They feel that they belong together, so they stick together.

13. Together again.

14. Nothing together.

15. A band to Honor is the story Navy Band Unit 22 - The ships band for the USS Arizona - The band trained together, practiced together, performed together, lived together and on December 7, 1941, died together!

16. Pull together, men.

17. Let's train together!

18. Finding Solutions Together

19. Cheerleaders rolled together.

20. Being back together.

21. Y'all stick together.

22. Let's go together

23. They're taped together.

24. Whether traveling together, doing chores together, or relaxing together, you may find opportunities to provide for your children’s spiritual needs.

25. Together but Apart

26. Pull yourself together.

27. You're good together.

28. Peoples dwelling together?

29. Conjoin (something) to join together; to join two or more things together

30. Conspire (together) (to do something) They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs

31. Bind something (together) Add an egg yolk to Bind the mixture together

32. Adorbs is like a pair of fearsome ride-together-die-together sorority sisters

33. “All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now”

34. Adorbs is like a pair of fearsome ride-together-die-together sorority sisters

35. “ALL creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now.”

36. Kneel, feet and legs together, arms stretched above your head, hands clasped together.

37. Standing together produces unity.

38. Principles of Counseling Together

39. Enjoy sweet dumplings together

40. Put your hands together.

41. We love playing together."

42. Let's sing it together.

43. His eyebrows bush together.

44. They laughed together raucously.

45. And get rich together.

46. Of nations gathered together!

47. Autobots, we charge together!

48. His eyebrows bushed together.

49. Please staple these together.

50. We earned this together.