stand in Hindi

stand <V.>

  1. खड़ा होना[रहना] "Due to weakness he was unable to stand." "We stood up in order to honour our chief guest."
  2. खड़ा करना "We should stand the water filled bottles in refrigeration."
  3. रहना "Once a great banyan tree stood here." "we should stand firm on our opinions."
  4. होना "Our school building stands 50 m high."
  5. सहना "No one should stand his /her insult."
  6. के लिये रुपये देना "We should be in operation to stand meals to our friends." stand <N.>
  7. स्टैंड "One of the stand at cups fair had a good variety of cups."
  8. कटघरा "Witnesses must take the stand before telling something to court."
  9. दृढ़मत "Ram has a very firm stand on the issue of economic liberalization."
  10. अड्डा "Appu Ghar has a taxi stand."

Sentence patterns related to "stand"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stand" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stand", or refer to the context using the word "stand" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Blubbering and weeping, weeping and blubbering. -- Stand up, stand up; stand, an you be a man:

2. Stand down.

3. Stand down!

4. Stand still!

5. New stand.

6. Stand back.

7. Rectify stand posture, never stand by shelf, chat and hang about.

8. I cannot stand the thought of a stand- off with you

9. Portable Analogian Typically used for: Gospel Stand, Icon Stand, Portrait Stand for use at funerals, Lectern for books and papers.

10. Their orders stand.

11. I Stand Firm!

मैं डटा रहूँगा!

12. Stand down, Abrego.

13. Stand right here.

14. Stand up tall.

15. Wesley, keg stand!

16. You stand back.

17. Stand back, now.

18. Stand still, idiot.

19. Lady, stand still!

20. Stand at bay

21. Stand back, everybody.

22. The performer is commonly known as a comic, stand-up comic, Comedian, comedienne, stand-up Comedian, or simply a stand-up

23. 16 Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don't give up the fight. Bob Marley 

24. Stand over there, please.

25. The soldiers stand erect.

26. Collapse the music stand.

27. Stand by your word.

28. Navy diver, stand up.

29. Taco stand in baja?

30. Stand back to back!

31. That's stand-up comedy.

32. Don't stand there gawking!

33. Stand up to them!

34. Where's the taxi stand?

35. Coalesse Free Stand Laptop/Tablet Stand by Steelcase by Steelcase Visit the Steelcase Store

36. Stand by, deflector shields.

37. Stand it on end .

38. Couldn't stand being afraid.

39. He will stand before kings; he will not stand before common men.” —Proverbs 22:29.

40. Natalie Haynes: Stand Up Classicist

41. Diamonds don't stand a chance.

42. Skillful men stand before kings.

43. I can't stand the guy.

44. Here I stand unarmed, unguarded.

45. My son can't stand me.

46. Michael to stand up (1)

47. Come on, stand up straight.

48. Don't stand in that puddle!

49. You don't stand a chance.

50. Don't slouch! Stand up straight!