standstill in Hindi

standstill <N.>

  1. ठहराव "Due to strike, work in the factory come to a stand still."

Sentence patterns related to "standstill"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "standstill" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "standstill", or refer to the context using the word "standstill" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Traffic was at a standstill.

2. Work is grinding to a standstill.

3. She brought the car to a standstill.

4. Strikers brought production to a standstill.

5. From a virtual standstill he jumped over.

6. The train came to a complete standstill.

7. Production is more or less at a standstill.

8. The tyres crunched to a standstill on the gravel.

9. The tyres Crunched to a standstill on the gravel

10. A general strike brought the country to a standstill.

11. Traffic was at a standstill on the freeway.

12. Traffic was brought to a standstill by the accident.

13. Hojo/Weiss and Vincent battle to a standstill.

14. Abruptly the group ahead of us came to a standstill

15. The security alert brought the airport to a standstill .

16. Smog used to bring London traffic to a standstill.

17. Since then, the work on dam is at a standstill.

तब से बांध का निर्माण कार्य ठप्प पड़ा हुआ था.

18. The factory has been at a standstill for days.

19. Traffic in the city is at a complete standstill.

20. In all patients cardiac standstill was of 45 minutes duration.

21. Abruptly the group ahead of us came to a standstill.

22. Normal life is at a standstill, and the economy is faltering.

23. Investigations have ground to a standstill because no witnesses have come forward.

24. Work came to a complete standstill when rumours of redundancies started to circulate.

25. Sixteen years later, the building of Jehovah’s temple was at a standstill.

26. Finally, our airplane came to a standstill near the airport building of Ouagadougou.

27. If the electric power could be cut, industry everywhere would be brought to a standstill.

28. The ramp shall only be capable of operation when the vehicle is at a standstill.

29. Translation is being accelerated and a 'standstill' on substantial amendments will be applied where possible.

30. Fighting and shortages have brought normal life to a virtual standstill in the city.

31. The traffic on the streets during the rush hours virtually came to a standstill.

32. I think we'll hold them to a standstill, which is as good as winning.

33. Indication of the maximum allowable train current at standstill for DC systems expressed in amperes.

34. Visibility at the city's airport came down to zero, bringing air traffic to a standstill.

35. The runaway bus eventually came to a standstill when it rolled into a muddy field.

36. The blizzard that brought Washington to a standstill extended the blackout for several more days.

37. Traffic is at a standstill along a five-mile stretch of the M11 just south of Cambridge.

38. Achieving a standstill is vital for Heron if it is to make headway in rescheduling its debt.

39. The coronavirus pandemic has brought Spanish Bullfighting, long reviled by animal rights campaigners, to a standstill

40. That basically meant, this whole allocation of quotas for private tour operators, the 36,000, came to a standstill.

36,000 एक गतिरोध पर आ गए।

41. Traffic was at a standstill on the M5 in Devon this afternoon, after two separate vehicles Aquaplaned on

42. [ Claire ] If you bring the government to a standstill, we're gonna make this election about the NRA.

43. After two decades of absolute standstill, Turkey has at last got down to the task of changing its laws.

44. AutoZone's brake power Boosters are designed to quickly bring your vehicle to a standstill and keep you in control.

45. Hampton's cavalry beat Sheridan to the railroad at Trevilian Station and on June 11 they fought to a standstill.

46. The platoon commanders barked their orders to dismount and the vehicles came to an abrupt standstill amongst the enemy.

47. Not at all, no more so than the traitorous action of Judas Iscariot brought God’s purposes to a standstill.

48. 1 day ago · Air instead of quality of life: The Admonishers Club DUH is happy about the lockdown standstill

49. 12 hours ago · Massive ship blocking the Suez Canal brings Billions of dollars in trade to a standstill

50. When the coach had come to a standstill, he opened the door with as little Creaking as might be, and held out a petitionary hand.