stagnate in Hindi

stagnate <V.>

  1. निष्क्रिय होना "His mind has stagnated after his retirement."

Sentence patterns related to "stagnate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stagnate" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stagnate", or refer to the context using the word "stagnate" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Later,the market began to stagnate.

2. Without it, the work would stagnate.

3. There are marshes that stagnate the waters.

4. Businesses must adapt to change or stagnate.

5. Growth is expected to stagnate next year.

6. Why do some firms grow while others stagnate?

7. 15 Businesses must adapt to change or stagnate.

8. 5 Businesses must adapt to change or stagnate.

9. Everyone needs new challenges. Otherwise you just stagnate.

10. It stifles innovation and allows policy-making to stagnate.

11. If we do not evolve we stagnate and rot.

12. Where the masses are not roused, work will stagnate.

13. If you allow your mind to stagnate, this particular talent will atrophy.

14. Accurately and reliably in when move and stagnate, high efficiency and economic investment.

15. He didn't want to stagnate in his dull office job until he retired.

16. With the falling of Shanghai and other large cities, literature and art activities stagnate.

17. There exists two contrary cultures in N: the stagnate culture and the progressive culture.

18. Career development is faced with many predicaments, such as stagnate, discontinue and tiredness of career.

19. When I'm in a state of stagnancy, I'll get a sense of what's making me stagnate.

20. Do not let your spirituality stagnate or your understanding of congregation procedures go out-of-date.

21. Without this pressing at the edge of the performance envelope, both technology and productivity would stagnate.

22. Prices have continued to rise in the North, but to stagnate and fall in the South.

23. I reiterate that we sincerely hope Sino - U.S. relations will not stagnate , but will continue to develop.

24. By these criteria, some high-tech weapons are cost-effective to develop, even if enemy weapons stagnate.

25. This energy is called ch'i and can stagnate, become blocked or weakened, or have its flow reversed.

26. It is deplorable that the old Aldens supermarket site remains underused and the Whitehouse football ground plans stagnate.

27. Stailman fretted that if computer scientists could no longer learn from one another's code, the art of programming would stagnate.

28. Should the Democratic Party fail to deliver, personal consumption, which accounts for about 60 percent of gross domestic product, could stagnate.

29. He also abolished the seniority-based system of promotion that had caused the imperial administration to stagnate, seeking out capable individuals and promoting them quickly.

30. As the debate continues, Mr Donkin needs to grapple with the fact that, particularly in America, ordinary people have seen their incomes stagnate since the 1970s.

31. Apostrophize (Amer.) abac Jonah பொன்னாவிரை , சீமை ஆவிரை doze stagnate truncate bijeli dud diary parlamentaran kroz ham and poached egg in sauce quarto de dormir Brittany fujita scale civettuolo memorial ceremony agnelle barometr sala de estar gading sass rakotulkkisarja konec Kerry gvardijan diction

32. ‘Soya milk is extracted from soya beans, then the proteins in the milk Coagulate, creating curds and whey.’ ‘Within these expanded veins, blood is allowed to stagnate and Coagulate, forming clots on the vessel walls.’ ‘But in cirrhosis, urine did not Coagulate with heat, and kidneys were usually normal.’

33. ‘Soya milk is extracted from soya beans, then the proteins in the milk Coagulate, creating curds and whey.’ ‘Within these expanded veins, blood is allowed to stagnate and Coagulate, forming clots on the vessel walls.’ ‘But in cirrhosis, urine did not Coagulate with heat, and kidneys were usually normal.’