seditious in Hindi


  1. राज्द्रोहात्मक "One should not be seditious with his country."

Sentence patterns related to "seditious"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "seditious" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "seditious", or refer to the context using the word "seditious" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. to write seditious pamphlets.

2. The letter was declared seditious.

3. He fell under suspicion for distributing seditious pamphlets.

4. Biased government officials may label us as “seditious” or “subversive.”

कुछ सरकारी अधिकारी जो हमारे खिलाफ हैं, वे शायद कहें कि हम “देशद्रोही” हैं।

5. But what constituted "blasphemous, immoral, treasonable, schismatic, seditious or scandalous libels"?

6. The Church distributed 000 copies before it was declared seditious.

7. He distributed a seditious pamphlet called The Rights of Man.

8. Amour and Wilfrid Spicer were falsely charged with distributing seditious literature.

9. In the law according to Duplessis, distributing religious pamphlets was a seditious act!

10. 1) with the long title "An Act to prevent and suppress Seditious Conventicles"

11. This poor fellow occasionally let slipinconsiderate remarks, which the law then stigmatized as seditious speeches.

12. THIS whole world is lying in the power of a seditious god.

13. The bishops were sent to the Tower on the grounds that their petition was seditious libel.

14. 1) with the long title"An Act to prevent and suppress Seditious Conventicles".

15. Don't make any stunt or purposively express seditious or sensational words; don't bruit rumors about contestants.

16. Banished for seditious activities When is it sensible to use deport instead of Banish?

17. She was arrested after making a speech that the government considered to be seditious.

18. In addition to the swarm of bylaw cases, he resumed the old standby of seditious libel charges.

19. " rder avails nothing to the suppressing of scandalous, seditious, and libellous books, which were mainly intended to be suppressed. "

20. More powers were given to the army to repress subversive activities and guard seditious prisoners.

21. Speculation usually as a heat transfer medium oil, which has the speculation, speculation seditious , starch, milk distinction.

22. Telling individual members of the group that they were welcome at Trinity hardly seemed a seditious step.

23. In times of war and similar threats we are acutely sensitive of anything that is faintly seditious.

24. Aimé and Gisèle were convicted of seditious libel, and even young Lucille spent two days locked in jail.

भाई बूशे और जिज़ैल को देशद्रोह को बढ़ावा देनेवाली बातें फैलाने का दोषी करार दिया गया और छोटी लूसील को भी दो दिन जेल में बिताने पड़े।

25. Witnesses who were caught distributing the tract were charged with the crime of publishing “seditious libel.”

जो साक्षी वह परचा बाँटते हुए पकड़े जाते, उन पर इलज़ाम लगाया जाता था कि वे “देशद्रोह को बढ़ावा देनेवाली बातें” फैलाकर अपराध कर रहे हैं।

26. However, the prosecutors now switched from simple bylaw charges to serious criminal indictments for seditious libel and conspiracy.

27. Moreover, in the absence of any evidence of impending upheaval, individual peasants were wary of risking involvement in seditious talk.

28. Found guilty of seditious conspiracy and possession of illegal weapons, they are serving prison terms ranging from 35 to 105 years.

29. The scandalous, seditious and libelous books that need to be brought to justice in this remarkable sentence are suddenly revealed to have a soul.

30. He extended the law of lèse-majesté (injured majesty) to include, in addition to seditious acts, merely libelous words against his own person.

उसके राज में लेज़े-मैजिस्टी (राजद्रोह) कानून में न सिर्फ बगावत करनेवालों को सज़ा दी जाती थी बल्कि ‘सम्राट मानहानि’ के तहत खुद उसके यानी कैसर के खिलाफ ज़रा-सी गलत बात कहनेवाले को सज़ा दी जा सकती थी।

31. It eliminated the basis for all the other 122 pending cases in which Witnesses in Quebec had been charged with seditious libel.

क्युबेक में 122 और मुकदमे थे जिनमें साक्षियों पर देशद्रोह को बढ़ावा देनेवाली बातें फैलाने का इलज़ाम लगाया गया था। मगर सुप्रीम कोर्ट के उस फैसले ने उन सारे मुकदमों को बेबुनियाद साबित कर दिया।

32. SWORDCAR rips through SWORDCITY, eviscerating hordes of seditious office worker automatons and their MANAGERS and takes on Bloodlusting bosses in the shape of colossal arachnids

33. The death penalty could be issued for offences such as being a communist, printing seditious leaflets, or even making jokes about Hitler or other officials.

34. Luther’s close associate, Melanchthon, argued that even the passive action of the Anabaptists in rejecting government, oaths, private property and marriage outside their faith was seditious and therefore punishable by death.

35. Wilkes was eventually arrested for seditious libel but he fled to France to escape punishment; he was expelled from the House of Commons, and found guilty in absentia of blasphemy and libel.

36. Right-wing Bolivians had long accused Morales of exerting undue pressure on the news media — but Áñez’s government has appeared to do the same, labeling as “seditious” outlets critical

37. As was explained in the book L’épopée des adamites (The Epic of the Adamites) by Jean Rondot: “All seditious or revolutionary trends in the Church, among both clergy and laity, literally surged into the breach opened up by Teilhard.

38. After Bergoglio his successors will all be Antipopes August 12, 2021 “Ratzinger is the True Pope” – The jurists Sanchez and Acosta dismantle the Bergoglian Narrative August 12, 2021; Protesters against Vaxx Passport, at Bergamo, charged with Seditious Assembly August 11, 2021

39. In 1959, for example, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that one of Jehovah’s Witnesses accused in Quebec of publishing seditious and defamatory libel was not guilty —thus counteracting the prejudice of the then premier of Quebec, Maurice Duplessis.

उदाहरणार्थ, १९५९ में, कॅन्डा के सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने निर्णय दिया कि यहोवा का वह गवाह, जिस पर क्वीबेक प्रान्त में आरोप लगाया गया कि वह राजद्रोही था और मानहानिकारक अपमान-लेख प्रकाशित कर रहा था, निर्दोष था—और इस प्रकार क्वीबेक के उस वक़्त के प्रधान मंत्री, मोरीस दूप्लेसी की पूर्वधारणा को प्रभावहीन कर दिया।

40. After Bergoglio his successors will all be Antipopes August 12, 2021 “Ratzinger is the True Pope” – The jurists Sanchez and Acosta dismantle the Bergoglian Narrative August 12, 2021; Protesters against Vaxx Passport, at Bergamo, charged with Seditious Assembly August 11, 2021

41. The ‘Crawling order’, it is demonstrably clear, was not altogether different from many of the other regulations imposed during Martial Law in the Punjab, insofar as all these orders presuppose that the Indian is a knowable subject for the British, that the native mind is never too dense (unless it be dense with seditious thoughts), and that