secretary gereral in Hindi

Secretary Gereral <N.>

  1. महासचिव "The UN secretary general is the incharge of United Nation."

Sentence patterns related to "secretary gereral"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "secretary gereral" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "secretary gereral", or refer to the context using the word "secretary gereral" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. b) A Director/Joint Secretary/Additional Secretary/Special Secretary/Chief Secretary in a State Government;

(ख) राज्य सरकार में निदेशक/संयुक्त सचिव/अतिरिक्त सचिव/िवशेष सचिव/मुख्य सचिव;

2. Secretary.

3. Wu served as Deputy Secretary, Mayor, Secretary until 2011.

4. Thereafter the file is submitted to the concerned Joint Secretary/Additional Secretary who submits the file to the Foreign Secretary or Secretary in charge.

तत्पश्चात् फाइल, संबंधित संयुक्त सचिव/अपर सचिव को प्रस्तुत की जाती है और वे विदेश सचिव अथवा प्रभारी सचिव को फाइल प्रस्तुत करते हैं ।

5. Mr. Secretary!

6. To Secretary (West)'s right is Joint Secretary (MER) Mr. J.S.

सचिव (पश्चिम) के दायीं ओर संयुक्त सचिव (एमईआर) श्री जे एस मुकुल बैठे हैं ।

7. The Executive Secretary of ESCWA is accountable to the Secretary-General.

8. The home secretary.

9. P. Harish, Joint Secretary to Vice-President. To the right of Secretary (East) is Mr. Suresh Reddy our Joint Secretary (MER).

मेरे बाईं ओर उपराष्ट्रपति के संयुक्त सचिव श्री पी हरीश हैं और सचिव (पूर्व) के दाईं ओर श्री सुरेश रेड्डी हैं, जो विदेश मंत्रालय में संयुक्त सचिव (एमईआर) हैं।

10. Adoulie Janneh, Executive Secretary, ECA Marek Belka, Exectuive Secretary, ECE Noleen Heyzer, Executive Secretary, ESCAP Francois Farah, Chief, Social Development Division, ESCWA

11. My secretary interrupts constantly

12. Callaghan became Home Secretary.

13. They took the Secretary!

14. The Joint Secretary (CPV) was promoted as Additional Secretary and took charge of the nodal post of Additional Secretary (Administration) in October 2014."

संयुक्त सचिव (सी पी वी) को अपर सचिव के रूप में पदोन्नत किया गया तथा उन्होंने अक्टूबर 2014 में अपर सचिव (प्रशासन) के नोडल पद का प्रभार ग्रहण किया।''

15. Tertius—Paul’s Faithful Secretary

16. Secretary 2 Adjutant General

17. He was appointed secretary.

18. Secretary - Pam Crinite (Crinite[email protected]) Secretary - Suzanne Keller ([email protected]) Search

19. Berrier will assume the role of Acting Secretary when L&I Secretary W

20. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Veterans Affairs Secretary McDonough held a Briefing

21. Assistant Secretary of State.

22. She became Secretary of State for Education after spending three years as Environment Secretary.

23. He treats his secretary condescendingly.

24. * Meeting between Foreign Secretary and US Under Secretary Burns in Washington DC in April 2006.

* अप्रैल, 2006 में वाशिंगटन डी. सी. में विदेश सचिव और अमरीकी अंडर सेव्रेटरी बर्नस ।

25. Her secretary was taking shorthand.