industrialization in Hindi

industrialization <N.>

  1. उद्योगीकरण "The increasing industrailization of China has brought about a financial development of China."

Sentence patterns related to "industrialization"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "industrialization" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "industrialization", or refer to the context using the word "industrialization" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. " Thank you industrialization.

2. Industrialization began early in Spain.

3. Industrialization influences social usages.

4. He attracted foreign capital to boost Russia's industrialization.

5. Then, with industrialization, everything started to become centralized.

6. We can't hold out against industrialization any longer.

7. Industrialization need remake traditional culture and transfer its style.

8. At present, China has been at the metaphase of industrialization.

9. Were they talking about the increasing industrialization of the times?

10. They are bound to increase even more as industrialization grows.

11. Environmental pollution in Japan has accompanied industrialization since the Meiji period.

12. Due to transnational industrialization the export capacity of both countries increased.

13. He encouraged industrialization, development of commerce, and investments in roads and railways.

14. Advance pasturage industrialization, be helpful for rural economics development and social stability.

15. The industrialization led to an increase in automobile use and energy consumption.

16. 6 The author thinks apiculture must take the route that industrialization runs.

17. The primary objective of the Andean Pact was to promote regional industrialization

18. Realized abecedarian industrialization through considering to develop and introduce a technology independently.

19. 24 Whole set of industrialization technology of producing metal powder by atomization.

20. Producing are of the citrus is the sticking point in the industrialization.

21. Such developments paved the way for the industrialization of the manufacture of soap.

22. China must instigate implementation industrialization and the double job that expand intellectual economy.

23. The Agro - mechanization Service Industrialization is an availability measure to solve this antinomy.

24. At first for short-term cash crops and later because of urbanization and industrialization.

25. Furthermore, industrialization has rarely been the panacea for rural development that had been hoped.

26. An important treatment of the material culture and archeology of 19 th - century industrialization.

27. There can be economic pressures such as industrialization that cause rural to urban movement.

28. Advance pasturage industrialization process energetically, the radiate that strengthens pasturage bibcock business drives capacity.

29. Industrialization in rural areas has increased, and has been more rapid than in metropolitan areas.

30. Strategy adjusted need to conjoint with industrialization of telecommunication , so it's difficult and challenging certainly.

31. Many of Indonesia's main cities were mere rural townships before colonial industrialization and urban development.

32. Not until the years of fast industrialization and construction were these defects to be remedied.

33. The economy of Yaroslavl took part in the early Soviet Union's program of accelerated industrialization.

34. Rapid industrialization in developing countries will require large imports of capital equipment from advanced countries.

35. The period was characterized by efforts to achieve industrialization, collectivization of agriculture and political centralization.

36. Prior to industrialization, “work” was more or less a family operation, but now this has changed.

37. Being the result of deliberate political decisions it also leads to industrialization of the agrarian production.

38. Developing countries tend to be less tightly regulated despite some of them having undergone significant industrialization.

39. These include agriculture, food security, health, infrastructure development, science and technology, generics, capacity building and industrialization.

इनमें शामिल हैं- कृषि, खाद्य सुरक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, अवसंरचना विकास, विज्ञान एंव प्रौद्योगिकी, जेनरिक्स, क्षमता निर्माण और औद्योगीकरण।

40. Say from particular significance, agricultural industrialization namely of agriculture commercialize, accordingly, it basically is market action.

41. Hence, the exclusive outlet is track the new type path of eco - industrialization and constructs abstemious society.

42. The greatest push towards industrialization the countries had was during the periods of compulsory substitution of importation.

43. All the Balkan states, except Greece, pushed down the path of agricultural collectivization, rapid urbanization, and industrialization

44. Interestingly, before industrialization, child-rearing manuals in the United States were generally addressed to fathers, not mothers.

45. The growing industrialization of agriculture is drastically reducing the occurrence of CWRs within the traditional agro-ecosystems.

46. The report speaks of extensive environmental degradation caused by high population growth, rapid urbanization and fast industrialization.

47. As in the West, the early stages of industrialization were accompanied by harsh working and living conditions.

48. Aestheticism was an art movement that rejected the new industrialization and mass production of the late nineteenth century

49. They sort of say the harsh news, that we are facing the largest transformative development since the industrialization.

50. However, in recent years, there has been a growing amount of industrialization and increasing concentration on cash crops.