inevitability in Hindi

inevitability <N.>

  1. अनिवार्यता "Death is an inevitability type of situation."

Sentence patterns related to "inevitability"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inevitability" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inevitability", or refer to the context using the word "inevitability" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. The tragedy had a certain inevitability about it.

2. She was learning to accept the inevitability of death.

3. Karl Marx: It was a historical inevitability.

4. There was an inevitability about their defeat.

5. Section three is expatiate the exist inevitability and influence.

6. With appalling, instinctive inevitability the cycle would recommence.

7. She was learning to accept the inevitability of death.

8. We are all bound by the inevitability of death.

9. 4 With appalling, instinctive inevitability the cycle would recommence.

10. Should we accept the inevitability and permanence of this state of affairs?

11. Another group of labor leaders recognized the inevitability of teams.

12. Let us counter the inevitability of failure with the energy of success.

13. One example of the duplicity of this rhetoric of inevitability concerns the nation state.

14. Where, later, Joyce would see it, with tedious inevitability, and ask questions.

15. 23 The sports association accepted the inevitability of a breakaway by the elite clubs.

16. Better, thought Sammler, to accept the inevitability of imitation and then to imitate good things.

17. Chapter three explores the inevitability and social significance of Oedipus complex reflected in the play.

18. The assessment is like assembling a jigsaw into which pieces fit with some inevitability.

19. It thinks the emergence of DINK phenomenon has it's own historical inevitability in china.

20. With the evening sun shining on him here, there was a certain inevitability about Edwards's win.

21. You hear it all the time, as Thatcherism makes its long march against the historical inevitability of socialism.

22. The historian’s job is to Aggrandize, promoting accident to inevitability and innocuous circumstance to portent.

23. Local Monopoly in the Newspaper Industry: Some Skepticism About Its Economic Inevitability and Governmental Embrace.

खबरदारजी की कविताओं में प्रधानत: देशभक्ति और दार्शनिक विषयों की ओर झुकाव मिलता है।

24. One proposed change, however, has an air of inevitability about it: the junking of the monarchy.

25. Overemphasis of the objectivity , inevitability and certainty of the educational laws is against the education practice.

26. With all the operatic inevitability of Greek tragedy, it Anatomises what greed has done to Ireland

27. It is not the inevitability of fate, nor inescapable natural limitations or constraints that make these countries poor.

28. They imparted with a wave of the hand a sense of inevitability to the details of their stories.

29. That very inevitability is being challenged today by the accumulation of disastrous effects on body, nature, and place.

30. There was always a power of inevitability generated by a self-confidence that made things fit together well.

31. The major premise of syllogism is of universal inevitability, while that of the judicial syllogism has probability.

32. With only one more Saturday before Christmas, the evidence had accumulated with a slow inevitability against Hebden.

33. He may well go into shock and take a few months to accept the inevitability of family life.

34. Bashert is a Yiddish word that Klepfisz uses to mean multiple things: inevitability, a sense of finality, hopelessness, inexplicability.

35. Each stood out in different settings, creating a sense of inevitability about their eventual accession to the White House.

36. 11 Yet the firstborn of such a semblance would be purestrain Stealer again. With appalling, instinctive inevitability the cycle would recommence.

37. Bombed out To fail badly at something, while suggesting there was an element of unluckiness or inevitability working against you or the subject of said failure

38. The torments Nemor had to suffer rewarded him with a special ability: he can demoralise enemy troops by a scream which reminds them about inevitability of death.

39. In the early 1980s, the government of New Zealand fell into the hands of true Believers, globalist Believers, and they embraced the theory of inevitability perhaps more completely than anybody else

40. A global history of Capitalisms which eschews a singular narrative of origins in a particular place and time Moves away from teleologies of the inevitability of capitalism; of the 'great divergence' etc

41. The result is that many tensions have been created by a government absolutely not prepared to provide any leadership in dealing with the inevitability of finally addressing treaty rights long overdue and disregarded

42. ‘In its conception and Concretion, the Otter Creek feeding facility was a monument to Horace Albright's philosophy of aesthetic conservation.’ ‘Strenuous efforts at Concretion confront the inevitability of mutability.’ ‘The concern with material Concretion begins with Bernstein's title, With Strings.’

43. ‘The Broad, blue river flowed past with infinite patience and slow, deep inevitability, and the thought of that much water in one place was daunting.’ ‘Burlap reappears in Work II as the ground on which Jensen painted Broad, black brushstrokes suggesting a Japanese mountain landscape.’

44. ‘Our dog has become good with horses; she tucks herself out of the way and lies down and doesn't Bombinate around getting underfoot.’ ‘It would help us to gauge the probability of finding life elsewhere instead of bombinating in a vacuum of data, caught between inevitability and uniqueness.’

45. “It may be that, after the seeming inevitability of two world wars, the creation of nuclear weapons was an admonitory gift, which spared us a third clash of great nations and introduced the longest period of general peace, albeit a peace of terror, since Victorian times. . . .

46. "In The Bureaucrat kings: the Origins and Underpinnings of America's Bureaucratic State, Paul Moreno indicts the American administrative state and our new ruling class, its chief beneficiary.A professor of history at Hillsdale College, he writes as a historian but also a citizen in rejecting the inherent beneficence or historical inevitability of social "reform" and "progress."

47. With a clear majority in favour of an unconditional indefinite extension, the Conference president was able to appeal to opposing nations to respect the inevitability of the final outcome such that a vote was avoided, and the treaty was extended indefinitely by consensus.5 At the conclusion of the Conference, Canada’s Ambassador for Disarmament was able to state that the decision to extend the NPT indefinitely had linked "permanence with accountability without division."6 Current Issues and Challenges Having briefly reviewed the short life of the treaty to date, one must now focus upon current issues facing the NPT.