fruition in Hindi

fruition <N.>

  1. उपयोग "The efforts over the last several years came to fruition this year."

Sentence patterns related to "fruition"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fruition" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fruition", or refer to the context using the word "fruition" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. However, this did not come to fruition.

2. Americano is a family dream come to fruition

3. He discussed how he brought his idea to fruition.

4. The Witch King's long plan had come to fruition.

5. His proposals only came to fruition after the war.

6. His extravagant ideas were never brought to fruition.

7. Their efforts came to fruition many years later.

8. After years of hard work(sentencedict .com), his hopes came to fruition.

9. Neither came to fruition, and I shall never know why.

10. We discussed several ideas which are now ripe or near fruition.

हमने ऐसे अनेक मुद्दों पर विचार-विमर्श किया जो भविष्य में फलीभूत होने वाले हैं ।

11. Many people have worked together to bring this scheme to fruition.

12. Centerpiece ideas can involve the whole family to bring to fruition

13. Gold is further associated with the wisdom of aging and fruition.

14. After months of hard work, our plans finally came to fruition .

15. Our unconscious plans are often the ones that come to fruition.

16. However, the promised Unix showcase at Comdex/Spring last week never came to fruition.

17. None of his grand plans for a TV series ever came to fruition.

18. Seeing my work come to fruition gives me a strong sense of fulfilment.

19. And I think it is very near fruition, those efforts are very near closure.

और मेरे विचार से ये चर्चाएं सफल होने की कगार पर हैं, ये प्रयास पूरे होने ही वाले हैं।

20. The Washington Naval Treaty meant that none of these designs came to fruition.

21. The early ideas for Abettor Brewing came to fruition as early as 2014 with the

22. being born; coming into being, fruition, realization, etc.: A new era of architecture is Aborning.

23. After much delay, the plan to build the new hospital finally came to fruition.

24. It was left to her successor to bring the plan to its full fruition.

25. And while they were away, he would allow her little dream to come to fruition.

26. Essentially, it is the external and subsequently internalized Biphobia that helps bring hurtful stereotypes and expectations to fruition

27. A dream of 10 years coming to final fruition. Untold riches as a glint in the eye.

28. The technical difficulty in bringing the changes to fruition says something about how dramatic they are.

29. Biennial is also used to describe a plant taking two years to grow from seed to fruition and die

30. 25 All too often, the antecedents of revolution are separated by more than a human lifespan from their fruition.

31. None of these visionary schemes for Niagara ever reached fruition, but one Utopian dreamer did achieve his objective.

32. And in addition many of the conservation measures adopted following the first oil shock began to come to fruition.

33. Major naval, military and railway construction programmes scheduled to come to fruition in 1917-18 argued strongly for delay.

34. There was also consideration for two railways, one from Beverley and one from Bridlington, neither of which came to fruition.

35. The Backbeat and the drum kit go hand in hand, as they both came into fruition around the same time.

36. They say it could cause difficulties, but are waiting to see whether the idea will come to fruition.

37. After all, they are the ones who have been living with the ideas, Conception and finally the fruition of the game

38. 30 None of these visionary schemes for Niagara ever reached fruition, but one Utopian dreamer did achieve his objective.

39. Many of our cooperative projects with the ASEAN under the Plan of Action for 2010 to 2015are coming to fruition.

2010 से 2015 के लिए कार्य योजना के तहत आसियान के साथ हमारी अनेक सहयोगात्मक परियोजनाएं अब साकार होने वाली हैं।

40. The plan did not come to fruition, primarily because the German Navy relied on zeppelins for aerial reconnaissance, not seaplanes.

41. It is the object of those paths and their fruition. It is excellent, transcendental (lokuttara), uncreated and free from lust.

42. In 1923 rumors abounded that the Dorris, Haynes and Winton companies would merge, but this merger did not come to fruition.

43. Now growth comes to annual fruition, and preparations are completed for another year, another generation. The action ripens and the hickory nut matures.

44. Bittered Sling Bitters is a pipe-dream come to a tasty fruition, celebrating what beautiful ingredients can provide the palate, plate and potion

45. Houstonians began 2019 with a plan to repurpose the Astrodome, but like many plans before, that too failed to come to fruition

46. I am more than a little confident that its fruition will be more than evident before the last kick of the season.

47. In other cases the seeds of truth came to fruition only after the visitors moved to another country and were contacted by the Witnesses.

48. Several ceasefires were put into effect after the June offensive but the implementation of a European peacekeeping force, endorsed by Armenia, never came to fruition.

49. It is a Classist, sexist, anti-democratic, anti-child, anti-family policy whose premise did not come to fruition, it did not accomplish what it set out to accomplish

50. The project partners say that while the SMEs have the potential to promote innovation, they also need the support from academia and industry to bring their work to fruition.