fraternal in Hindi


  1. भाई~के~समान "He always shows fraternal affection to her. "

Sentence patterns related to "fraternal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fraternal" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fraternal", or refer to the context using the word "fraternal" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Please accept our fraternal support.

2. Fraternal towards fellow Christian:—kindly Affectioned.

3. Insurance companies and fraternal benefit societies. Access:

4. My master, King Philip, sends fraternal greetings.

5. Shall we apply to fraternal factories for help?

6. All dizygotic, or fraternal, twins are diChorionic

7. We sent our fraternal greetings to the conference.

8. They seat warm fraternal greetings to our Party Congress.

9. Derived from two separately fertilized eggs . Used especially of fraternal twins.

10. Little fraternal love existed between these two clandestine arms of government.

11. Small groups build unity, camaraderie, and a close-knit fraternal atmosphere.

12. The "Banditos" say they’re a fraternal club for LA deputies

13. Their social and fraternal ends are sometimes worthy of note as well.

14. Moreover, the system sets a good example to fraternal colleges in Yunnan.

15. Men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today.

16. Scientists and researchers believe Chimerism happens in humans when fraternal twins fuse together

17. State/Master Mason/Other Aprons Appendant Bodies Aprons Fraternal Crowns, Hats, Fezzes

18. The fraternal spirit seems to be declining in relations between our churches.

19. He said he hoped the issue could be solved in a fraternal way.

20. It'seems to me that he grew more erect as the fraternal hilarity increased.

21. MEMBER/SPOUSE FRATERNAL BENEFIT – Accidental death coverage for member and spouse at no cost.

22. Statistics indicate a higher incidence of hypertension in identical twins than in fraternal twins.

आँकड़े दिखाते हैं कि फ्रैटर्नल जुड़वों के मुकाबले आइडेंटिकल जुड़वों को हाईपरटेंशन होने का खतरा ज़्यादा होता है।

23. Bethany Hawke (born 9:11 Dragon1) is Hawke's younger sister and Carver's fraternal twin

24. The upper level is taken up by the meeting spaces of the fraternal organizations.

संघीय स्तर पर प्रतिनिधि सभा के तीन सदस्यों द्वारा बफ़ेलो का प्रतिनिधित्व किया जाता है।

25. Your insurance agent can obtain a Fraternal Benefits Night kit from the Supply Department.

26. The first is fraternal, popular entertainment, and a financial godsend for health care and education.

27. The President's official visit marks the start of a more fraternal relationship between the two countries.

28. Soviet Ambassador Jacob Malik insisted the Warsaw Pact actions were those of "fraternal assistance" against "antisocial forces".

29. This Contrariety of humours betwixt my father and my uncle, was the source of many a fraternal squabble

30. This Contrariety of humours betwixt my father and my uncle, was the source of many a fraternal squabble

31. The Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOB) is one of the largest fraternal organisations in the United Kingdom

32. Of forty-four ministers whose affiliations are known, twenty-one have never been members of any fraternal organization.

33. They practice what is known as fraternal polyandry -- where the brothers of one family marry the same woman.

34. The socialist fraternal kiss consisted of an embrace, combined with a series of three kisses on alternate cheeks.

35. Gorbachev reacted calmly to these reports, noting that he had already experienced similar opposition in several other fraternal countries.

36. Brith ABRAHAM Brith ABRAHAM, fraternal order founded on June 12, 1859, in New York City by German and Hungarian Jews

37. For the first time in the party's history the congress took place without the participation of foreign fraternal party delegations.

38. He suggested that a fraternal association of the Engiish-speaking peo-pIes, operating outside the United Nations, should do it.

39. Bluf Bluf is an international fraternal organization of gay men and MSM sharing a fetishistic interest in leather breeches and uniforms

40. Nor had he wanted to have recourse to the services of an Astropath belonging to a pious and loyal fraternal organization.

41. Comradely adjective friendly, neighbourly, pally (informal), amiable, cordial, genial, affable, fraternal, chummy (informal), companionable, palsy-walsy (informal), matey or maty (Brit

42. My Predecessor, the Servant of God John Paul II, mentioned on numerous occasions your affability and your spirit of fraternal welcome.

43. He created around himself a circle of friendship, fraternal affection and communion which he drew from the depths of the Trinitarian mystery.

44. At 35 weeks into her pregnancy, she gave birth to their fraternal twins, Moroccan and Monroe, on April 30, 2011 via Cesarean section.

45. This was the fifth time Benno had declaimed on the “Boshter” qualities of the unknown, and fraternal sympathy could not be longer deferred with decency.

46. Catholics look to the Catechism, which says that Almsgiving is “a witness to fraternal charity” and “a work of justice pleasing to God.” (no

47. Lay members are married or single, who wish to follow Christ on the path of the Beatitudes by sharing a fraternal life, prayer life, and mission.

48. This sense of deep fraternal bonding and synergy of interests will endure amid the relentless flux of time and gain new force in days to come.

गहरे भ्रातृत्व की इस भावना का बंधन तथा हितों का समभिरूपन समय के अनवरत उतार-चढ़ाव के बीच चिरस्थायी रहेगा और आने वाले समय में नई ताकत प्राप्त करेगा।

49. By static and dynamic study of virtue, the paper proposes that dedication is the highest spirit of virtue, fraternal cooperation its core, and development its implementation result.

50. Abakuá is an Afro-Cuban men's initiatory fraternity, or secret society, which originated from fraternal associations in the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon.