free will in Hindi

free will <N.>

  1. स्वेच्छा, स्वतंत्र~संकल्प "When she visits me,she makes free will with my every thing."

Sentence patterns related to "free will"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "free will" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "free will", or refer to the context using the word "free will" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Of your own free will?

2. National Association of Free Will Baptists

3. He Dignifies Us With Free Will

4. I've surrendered of my own free will.

5. FREE will is a gift from God.

6. Free will scuttles in the swamp of fear.

7. Let me accept of my own free will.

8. We've been blessed, or cursed, with free will.

9. Vows are made voluntarily, of one’s own free will.

10. And what of the free will of your knights?

11. Jehovah endowed these perfect, intelligent creatures with free will.

12. Thus free will and predestination coexist in a person.

13. It is ironic discussing free will with a mind-controlling vampire.

14. Did you leave this world not of your own free will?

15. He was endowed with free will and a capacity for spirituality.

16. How did Adam misuse his free will, and with what result?

17. Kalkin regarded them Apathetically but wondered what free will would lead lowly

18. They were men who guarded their free will with wiles and murder.

19. No decisions to make, no conscience, no agony of free will... nothing.

20. They made the choice according to their own free will without coercion.

उन्होंने बग़ैर किसी ज़ोर-ज़बरदस्ती के यह चुनाव अपनी स्वतंत्र-इच्छा के अनुसार किया।

21. The whole canonical process recognizes the primacy of conscience and free will.

22. Clearly, taking a stand against Jehovah is a misuse of free will.

23. 8 Gaining God’s approval involves the proper exercise of our free will.

24. How did God create our brain to work in harmony with free will?

25. His subjects will not be stripped of their free will and subjugated by force.

26. A major source of tension in Antigone is the conflict between fate and free will

27. Bequeathed is a regulated fundraising company operating the Will For Good free will-writing scheme

28. Making a video, Ayesha said that she takes this step of her own free will

29. (Genesis 1:26; 2:15) He also gave them a very desirable gift —free will.

30. 1, 2. (a) What different views do people have regarding the matter of free will?

31. For one thing, he takes into account that he created humans with a free will.

32. And, of course, I respect his free will and leave the matter in Jehovah’s hands.”

33. Of your own free will you came to surrender part of your body to me.

34. A general idea or understanding of something: the Concept of inertia; the Concept of free will

35. Autonomy can be defined as the ability to make choices according to one's own free will

36. They were endowed with a gift that distinguished them from animals —the gift of free will.

37. Besides, there is nothing inconsistent with free will or even chastity in this view of life.

38. Thousands of people make their free Will For Good through Bequeathed and its accredited legal firms

39. Classicist criminology is an approach which looks at the idea of rational action and free will

40. Her mouth opened of its own free will to his playfully probing tongue, welcoming the invader.

41. Remember, too, that people have free will, so they can either accept or reject the message.

यह भी याद रखिए कि लोग आज़ाद मरज़ी के मालिक हैं इसलिए वे आपके संदेश को स्वीकार कर सकते हैं या ठुकरा भी सकते हैं।

42. The question mark in the triptych is in the relationship between chance nature and free will.

43. Adam, in exercising his own free will, was personally responsible for his failure to obey Jehovah’s command.

इसके उलट, आदम ने अपनी आज़ाद मरज़ी का इस्तेमाल करके परमेश्वर की आज्ञा तोड़ दी, इसलिए वह अपने पाप के लिए खुद ज़िम्मेदार था।

44. 11 Paul set a fine example of respecting his brothers’ right of free will to make decisions.

45. According to Dennett, because individuals have the ability to act differently from what anyone expects, free will can exist.

46. Because Jehovah has given us free will, we can choose either to accept his molding or to reject it

यहोवा ने हमें अपना फैसला खुद करने की आज़ादी दी है, इसलिए हम या तो उसके हाथों ढलने या न ढलने का फैसला कर सकते हैं

47. They define free will as freedom to act according to one's motives without arbitrary hindrance from other individuals or institutions.

48. Each year hundreds of thousands of people are using their free will, based on accurate knowledge, to accept God’s rule.

हर साल लाखों लोग यथार्थ ज्ञान पर आधारित अपनी स्वतंत्र इच्छा का प्रयोग परमेश्वर के शासन को स्वीकार करने के लिए कर रहे हैं।

49. 26 And Reverend Michael Jeffrey said he couldn't beleive his son would go into the barn of his own free will.

50. This is not the absence of constraint or the supremacy of free will, it is not the absolutism of the self.