flit in Hindi

flit <V.>

  1. इधर उधर उड़ना "He keeps on flitting from one job to another." flit <N.>
  2. भाग जाना "He did a flit to avoid his creditors."

Sentence patterns related to "flit"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "flit" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "flit", or refer to the context using the word "flit" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Flit is what butterflies do.

2. Butterflies flit hither and thither.

3. They did a moonlight flit.

4. His purple wings flit once across thy smile.

5. They could flit from subject to subject.

6. Better rue sit than rue flit.

7. Beside a hearth where no dim shadows flit,

8. He turned round and saw a shadow flit by.

9. Flit through thy chamber in and out.

10. His eyes flit around and his hand shakes.

11. In the greenhouse birds flit among the plants.

12. The slave flit - flop is being set or reset.

13. Well, I did a moonlight flit and stole two silver candlesticks.

14. He's prone to flit between subjects with amazing ease.

15. The flit of the cat surprised everyone in the room.

16. These colorful birds constantly flit from flower to flower, sipping nectar.

17. When he discovered the police were after him, he did a moonlight flit.

18. Watching Chickadees flit through the treetops is like witnessing master acrobats at work

19. A few colourful dragon - flies even carne to flit over the puddles in the tenement yard.

20. He a mere slave and abat - winged phantoms that flit through the corridors of his own brain.

21. When I called to get the money she owed me, I found she'd done a moonlight flit.

22. Nor can you belly up to a faux saloon where women in diaphanous Bodices flit their false eyelashes at you

23. The sheets seemed as heavy as blankets and Flit was the only thing that prevented the mosquitoes descending on us like vultures.

24. 23 While Peter Pan may not flit around offering free peanut butter, low-cost foreign peanut growers do offer us their crops.

25. See those brightly colored birds as they flit here and there, and hear their beautiful songs join children’s laughter in filling the air.

26. The green of the forest is an ideal backdrop for the brilliant blue, red, and yellow butterflies that flit about in the clearings.

27. <p>The ‘Habitat Hero’ Birdwatcher Pre-Planned Garden will delight gardeners who enjoy watching birds feed and flit from plant to plant

28. There are many synonyms of Bestirred which include Bestir, Dash, Dust, Flit, Flutter, Fuss, Hasten, Hum, Hurry, Hustle, Run, Rush, Scamper, Scramble, Scurry, …

29. There are flocks of screeching parrots, large magpie-jays that flash their blue and white plumage as they flit among the trees, and white-faced capuchin monkeys, a favorite with many.

30. Old Robert draws the Backbrand in, The green logs steam and spit; The half-awakened sparrows flit From the riddled thatch; and owls begin To whoo from the gable-slit.

31. The immense size of the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range (CLAWR) provides ample airspace for effective jet-pilot tactical flying training, making it the ideal location for Phase IV’s Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) module.

32. The wanton airs, from the tree-top, Laughingly through the lattice drop -- The Bodiless airs, a wizard rout, Flit through thy chamber in and out, And wave the curtain canopy So fitfully -- so fearfully -- Above the closed …

33. Synonyms For Bestirred, Similar to Bestirred Bestir, Dash, Dust, Flit, Flutter, Fuss, Hasten, Hum, Hurry, Hustle, Run, Rush, Scamper, Scramble, Scurry, Scuttle, Stir, Tear, Whirl, Whisk, Antonyms For Bestirred, Opposite to Bestirred Dally, Delay, Rest, Slow, Wait, Procrastinate,

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