flock in Hindi

flock <N.>

  1. जानवरों का समूह "He has a large flock of sheep at his farm."
  2. आदमियों का समूह "At this place people flock around to admire the view."
  3. र्चच के मेम्बर "The priest keeps his flock toghther on all major issues." flock <V.>
  4. भीड़~लगाना "A large number of persons flocked near the open air stage to have a clear view of the drama being enacted." flock <N.>
  5. गद्दों मे भरने की मुलायम वस्तु "He recently bought flock cushions."

Sentence patterns related to "flock"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "flock" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "flock", or refer to the context using the word "flock" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Protecting the Flock

2. A flock of mercenaries.

3. The shepherd tended a flock.

4. He lived to shepherd the flock!

5. □ Why did crowds flock to Jesus?

6. He keeps a flock of sheep.

7. A flock of crows wheeled overhead.

8. Anabolite®-P foster flock uniformity

9. Jesus called them a “little flock.”

10. They raised a flock of sheep.

11. A flock of geese flew overhead.

12. 10 . Celebrity chefs flock to Hong Kong

13. He called this group the “little flock.”

14. 16 The elders shepherd the flock “eagerly.”

15. Birds of a feather flock together. 

16. Hand-operated printing, screen printing, flock coating and flock printing machines, carousel machines, gluing machines, pre-cleaning machines, effects apparatus for creating surface effects on flock by means of embossing or compressed air

17. Each grazing the flock in his care.

18. 49 Birds of a feather flock together.

19. They kept a small flock of sheep.

20. Chickadees are social birds that flock to feeders

21. Christian elders serve as examples for the flock

22. Why did lovers of truth flock to Jesus?

23. Wallow about, you majestic ones of the flock,

24. Lambs without a shepherd, shepherd without a flock.

25. Eagles fly alone, but sheep flock together. 

26. “Shepherd the flock meant for the slaughter” (4)

27. A flock of geese perked down the roadway.

28. Republic in Sunshine as high as about bird flock

29. Republic in sunshine soaring as high as bird flock

30. Every summer thousands of people flock to the countryside.

31. The priest warned his flock against breaking God's law.

32. Abraham set apart seven ewe lambs from the flock.

33. Because of their negligence, the flock had been scattered.

34. 7 A flock of wild geese flew overhead.

35. “Strike the shepherd,+ and let the flock* be scattered;+

चरवाहे को मार+ और झुंड* को तितर-बितर होने दे। +

36. The small flock completed their meeting in peace.1

37. I am a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

38. There is a black sheep in every flock

39. A noisy flock of tourists came into the building.

40. Birds of a feather flock together. ---- M. T . Cicer.

41. As they say birds of a feather flock together.

42. A Bellwether is the leader of a flock of sheep

43. Today, people flock to zoos to see these fascinating cats.

44. A person who guides and protects a flock of sheep.

45. And over the young of the flock and the herd.

46. Nidorians who have suffered in the troubles flock to them.

47. What glorious vision of the little flock did John see?

48. Eating the rams of the flock and the fattened calves;*+

49. It looks like a flock of birds skimming the waves.

50. □ How do elders fulfill their responsibility to readjust the flock?