field of vision in Hindi

field of vision <N.>

  1. आँख~से~दिखाई~देने~वाला~क्षेत्र "Field of vision at sea level is around 1.kms."

Sentence patterns related to "field of vision"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "field of vision" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "field of vision", or refer to the context using the word "field of vision" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Widen one's field of vision.

2. Our field of vision is surprisingly wide.

3. D . Keep finger within normal field of vision.

4. The couple moved outside her field of vision.

5. Figure #: Field of vision of Class # wide-angle mirrors

6. A huge hand loomed in her field of vision.

7. University open during my field of vision and ideals.

8. Floaters seem to drift through the field of vision.

9. Our field of vision is limited by that tall building.

10. She was aware of shapes moving across her field of vision.

11. Figure 10: Field of vision of Class IV wide-angle mirrors

12. Certainly Christ does not remove alms from our field of vision.

13. Figure 9: Field of vision of Class IV wide-angle mirrors

14. Mrs LaRue smiled and moved away from my field of vision.

15. With increased power, the field of vision of the binoculars becomes smaller.

16. As the cars overtake you, they are temporarily outside your field of vision.

17. It has the opposite effect from magnification, which reduces the field of vision.

18. He saw Ann look away from him and leave his field of vision.

19. Amplitude reduction with structured-in comparison to homogeneous-field of vision shows the smallest effect.

20. It utilizes an a priori, accurate model of the world within the field of vision.

21. Once you enter their field of vision, or aggro radius, the monster will attack you.

22. His head would explode, and his field of vision would contract until he was almost blind.

23. Without turning my head, I see them as clearly as though in my normal field of vision.

24. The name, business name and address of the packager must appear in the same field of vision.’

25. - Class IV: "Wide-angle exterior mirror", giving the field of vision defined in item 5.4 of Annex III.

26. In order to remedy this shortcoming, it is necessary to require an extension of the field of vision.

27. — Class IV: ‘Wide-angle exterior mirror’, giving the field of vision defined in point 5.4 of Annex III;

28. This study is a report upon tests concerning the visual acuity in different areas of the field of vision with special regard to the center of the field of vision of 30 persons suffering from unilateral amblyopia connected with constant eccentric fixation.

29. Class IV: ‘Wide-angle exterior mirror’, giving the field of vision defined in paragraph of this Regulation;

30. In addition, she is able to return and visually locate objects that have left her field of vision.

31. Shortly after this, as the retina detaches, a veil, or curtain, of blindness cuts into the field of vision.

32. Something dangerous-sounding padded on soft feet into the warehouse and prowled around outside her field of vision, panting hungrily.

33. Messages from the right-hand field of vision of both eyes are received by the left-hand side of the brain.

34. Similarly, messages from the left-hand field of vision of both eyes are transmitted to the right side of the brain.

35. It will be appreciated that the precise nature of the degree or defect in acuity or field of vision is highly individual.

36. The speedometer, tachometer, trip meter, fuel gauge and other indicators are set in optimum position to keep the field of vision clear.

37. A tumour or trauma in one side of the brain causes a loss in the field of vision on the other side.

38. Eye floaters (also known as Posterior vitreous detachments, PVD) are little “Cobwebs” or specks that float about in your field of vision

39. We perceive a sum of rays proceeding from a source of light; these are reflected from the object and enter our field of vision.

40. Defying gravity, the stream of animals sashay across our field of vision, moving at his or her own accord in a time warped space.

41. On top of the Beholders spherical body are ten fleshy stalks which each end with another eye, giving the creature an exceptional field of vision

42. They provide ground control intercept to red air, helping them locate the enemy since red air's airborne radars have only a forward-looking field of vision.

43. Lacking the spirit of forging ahead is also an evident shortcoming of Chenhuanshseng's character. Narrow field of vision and fusty conception show his incompatibility with modern society.

44. Cystoid Macular Edema Treatment to Restore Your Clarity of Vision If you are suffering from compromised clarity in the center of your field of vision, retinal specialist Dr

45. Thus, opening political field of vision, enhancing consciousness of general situation, and improving ability of guidance for public opinion is the ur- gent matter of the news prop.

46. Thus, opening political field of vision, enhancing consciousness of general situation, and improving ability of guidance for public opinion is the ur- gent matter of the news propaganda.

47. The unique poetics field of vision and distinct characteristics of Russian symbolism have made a new rejuvenate and prosperity of Russian poetry and become a treasure-house in Russian culture.

48. At this examination attention shall be paid, in particular, to the following: visual acuity, field of vision, twilight vision, glare and contrast sensitivity, diplopia and other visual functions that can compromise safe driving.

49. (6) The horizontal field of vision from the conning position shall extend over an arc of not less than 225° that is from right ahead to not less than 22.5° abaft the beam on either side of the ship.

50. A lesion in the posterior part of the corpus callosum (splenium corpus callosi) leads to an alexia of the left field of vision in the right handed and of the right one in the left handed person (posterior corpus callosum syndrome).