earthly in Hindi


  1. सांसारिक "Earthly pleasures are ephemeral."

Sentence patterns related to "earthly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "earthly" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "earthly", or refer to the context using the word "earthly" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. My breath is earthly strong

2. Soon Christ will crush earthly enemies.

3. God Abandons His Earthly House Forever

4. The renunciation of all earthly pleasures.

5. You've no earthly hope of winning.

6. What earthly purpose can it serve?

7. Or did he promise an earthly Paradise?

8. There’s no earthly care He can’t understand;

9. No earthly pain He did not feel;

10. In this earthly life nothing is perfect.

11. Never let an earthly circumstance disable you spiritually.

12. Away from this earthly noisy and stressful suffocation.

13. There's no earthly reason for me to go.

14. There's no earthly reason why you shouldn't go.

15. Their team hasn't an earthly chance of winning.

16. I see no earthly reason why he shouldn't come.

17. A transformation of earthly conditions is bound to follow.

18. What earthly difference is my opinion going to make?

19. An earthly paradise awaits survivors of the last days

20. 1831, James Hogg, The Mountain Bard If I had loved earthly thing, Of earthly Blithesomeness, I might have been beloved again, And bathed in …

21. 12 synonyms for Conceivable: imaginable, possible, credible, believable, thinkable, earthly

22. You wanna renounce your earthly possessions and become a monk?

23. These, too, must complete their earthly life course in faithfulness.

24. Nothing remains of Satan’s earthly organization. —Revelation 19:12-21.

25. And then all ties were irksome, all earthly attachments unnecessary.

26. I thought, maybe there's some earthly basis for moral decisions.

27. There's no earthly reason for me to feel so blue.

28. The Bible promises that our earthly home will last forever

29. And third, Jehovah’s earthly organization stands ready to help us.

30. He didn't have an earthly chance of getting the job.

31. There is no earthly reason why they should ever change.

32. There's no earthly reason why she shouldn't come with us.

33. I've read all 12 volumes of Clio's criticism on earthly pleasures

34. 15 What about those with an earthly hope, the “other sheep”?

35. Though materially poor, Jesus’ earthly family was richly blessed by God

36. “My goals aren’t limited to this earthly life but include eternity.”

37. Is our earthly existence meant to be only a passing phase?

क्या हम दुनिया में चंद दिनों के मेहमान बनकर आए हैं?

38. Eventually, on June 8, 1977, Nathan passed off the earthly scene.

39. It is for good reason that James labels it “earthly, animal, demonic.”

40. 8 Stippled with terracotta markings, could anything earthly ever be so exposed?

41. Our homes should be among the most hallowed of all earthly sanctuaries.

42. Thus all the earthly enemies of God’s worship will be wiped out.

43. JESUS knows that the end of his earthly life is fast approaching.

44. What earthly reason can she have for being so horrible to you?

45. “No earthly authority can separate us from direct access to our Creator.

46. Blessings are also set before those in line for eternal earthly life.

47. To the end of his earthly ministry, he obeyed that principle himself.

48. To the end of his earthly life, what example did Paul set?

49. Main Events of Jesus’ Earthly Life—Jesus’ Final Ministry in Jerusalem (Part 2)

यीशु की ज़िंदगी की खास घटनाएँ—यरूशलेम में यीशु की सेवा के आखिरी दिन (भाग 2)

50. Such maps depicted paradise as imaginatively and confidently as they did earthly topography.