wrenching in English

pull or twist (someone or something) suddenly and violently.
Casey grabbed the gun and wrenched it upward from my hand

Use "wrenching" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "wrenching" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "wrenching", or refer to the context using the word "wrenching" in the English Dictionary.

1. The tragedy is heart-wrenching.

2. Oh, the separation is sad and wrenching!

3. This twin shift will force wrenching adjustments.

4. I'll offer you " radiant, " " stupefying, " " awful, " " gut- wrenching. "

5. The bolt came away with a tacky wrenching sensation.

6. Wrenching and unforgettable, Blackbird will carry your heart away.

7. They were wrenching, but absolutely necessary for Chrysler's survialsurvival.

8. Was the separation easily decided, or was it gut - wrenching?

9. 14 The bolt came away with a tacky wrenching sensation.

10. China has been through a wrenching series of changes and experiments.

11. Some Breakups are quick and painless, others gut-wrenching and destabilizing

12. In the summer of 2009, Honduras went through a wrenching constitutional crisis.

13. The photographer tripped over a lead, wrenching a microphone from its stand.

14. The wrenching juxtaposition of warm air and cool water shocked me most.

15. Literally, to injure ligaments in one's Ankle by wrenching or suddenly twisting them

16. A cold gust swept across her exposed breast, wrenching her back to reality.

17. And 15 years work would have come for nothing And -- and it was gut wrenching.

18. Republican Egypt became a model for other Arab dictatorships and forced wrenching changes at home.

19. Her arm flew out, wrenching her shoulder, but she kept a grip on the gun.

20. Similar heart-wrenching stories have been reported over and over around the world.

21. Since its Independence in the first ten years, Ukraine suffered a wrenching transition.

22. Call it what you want, I call it old fashioned, gut wrenching hunger.

23. In my own immediate neighborhood we have had our share of heart-wrenching tragedies.

24. When one partner discovers that the other is Cheating, there are heart-wrenching emotional effects

25. Mary’s last trial, as recorded in the Scriptures, was no doubt the most heart-wrenching.

26. Alma’s soul-wrenching repentance welcomed a power that cleansed and transformed him into a new creature.

27. Wars of our present era are more sophisticated but are still as wrenching to families.

28. Cricked, crick·ing, cricks To cause a painful cramp or muscle spasm in by turning or wrenching

29. One depicts a torturer wrenching the tongue out of a prisoner who had been pinned to the ground.

30. In those eight years they have helped transform Republican presidential politics by wrenching it to the conservative side.

31. Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided.

32. Whether Greece, Spain, and other euro-zone members will accept such wrenching adjustments remains to be seen.

33. I felt a wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach, a feeling that I didn’t belong.

34. 17 Over Elliott's shoulder,(www.Sentencedict.com) Culley could see Goldman wrenching at the handle on the french windows.

35. India was partitioned in a gut-wrenching process with attendant consequences when the country became independent.

36. There's nothing more heart-wrenching—and, let's face it, sometimes nerve-wracking—than a wailing infant.

37. This book is Breathtaking is a heart-wrenching coming-of-age story that left me absolutely gutted

38. It is early faulting andwith structural reverse and wrenching strike slipping, especially its well developed sub - fractures.

39. It was a wrenching moment for Feingold: He stood sharply defined against a background that was all too schematic.

40. I clawed at his face, knocking off his glasses and wrenching the false teeth out of his mouth.

41. If the Veterans Administration suddenly shifted to vouchers, its hospitals would have to undergo profound and wrenching changes.

42. Blossoms and Bones is a gorgeous, beautiful, gut wrenching, harrowing, dark book filled with so much light

43. The Absolutist is a beautifully written heart wrenching story set in the midst of World War 1

44. The international community is aghast at the heart-wrenching and appalling images of dead and injured children.

45. On January 23, about 9:00 a.m., people felt the stomach-wrenching blows of another strong earthquake.

46. Cricked, crick·ing, Cricks To cause a painful cramp or muscle spasm in by turning or wrenching

47. Anchored reads like a personal journal (with real journal entries included), transparent and full of gut wrenching emotion

48. I am speaking of the gut-wrenching, life-threatening poverty of living on less than $1 per day.

49. The decision to accept such a wrenching trial usually came only after earnest prayer and intense soul-searching.

50. Her flailing hand slipped down to the pack, wrenching its cords open, just as cruel fingers seized her arm.