world war in English

a war involving many large nations in all different parts of the world. The name is commonly given to the wars of 1914–18 and 1939–45, although only the second of these was truly global.
As is well known, Turing spent the second world war breaking German military codes.

Use "world war" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "world war" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "world war", or refer to the context using the word "world war" in the English Dictionary.

1. World War II was raging.

2. He foretold the world war.

3. Hardships During World War II

4. Apocalypse: The Second World War(2009) is a six-part French documentary about the Second World War

5. BBC - World War One at home.

6. (World War I) the Anglo-American

7. Forced Labor During World War II

8. World War I Day by Day.

9. Crete during the Second World War.

10. Welcome to the World War One Battlefields website! World War One Battlefields has been on the web since 2004

11. Battlecry: World War Game Free Online RPG

12. U.S.-Czechoslovakian Relations During World War II

13. In that year World War I began.

14. In World War II, Belgium was overwhelmed …

15. Airships in the First World War; Airships

16. Switzerland remained neutral during World War II.

17. World War II Astrocompass dials and adjustments

18. After World War II, this trend accelerated.

19. My grandfather fought in World War II.

20. Atrocities in the First World War During the First World War most countries publicized stories of enemy soldiers committing Atrocities

21. World War II While Germany dabbled with biological weapons in World War I, the Japanese military practiced Biowarfare on a mass scale in the years leading up to and throughout World War II.

22. But World War II dragged on until 1945.

23. He fought and died during World War II.

24. 1939 – World War II: Germany annexes western Poland.

25. Until the World War the jet is used.

26. World War I and the Beginning of Sorrows

27. Yavuz remained in service throughout World War II.

28. Amtracs of World War II and Korean War

29. Filed under: World War, 1914-1918 -- Armistices -- Sources

30. You just started World War III in there.

31. Europe was carved up after World War I.

32. The U.S. gained ascendancy after World War II.

33. During World War II, Sweden was neutral.sentencedict .com

34. Collaborationism in France During the Second World War

35. During World War II, Bangkok experienced air raids.

36. 1914 – World War I: The "Christmas truce" begins.

37. 13 The Second World War burst out finally.

38. He's gonna start World War III single-handed.

39. Consider the World War I Christmas truce of 1914.

40. All went well until World War I broke out.

41. Yet, the second world war was much more destructive.

42. The murder was the prologue to World War I.

43. German military power was restricted after World War II.

44. The Barbet almost became extinct after World War II

45. Modern advertising really took off after World War II.

46. Looks like Hendry wants to start World War III.

47. None of David's forefathers died in World War I.

48. During World War II many Blackfeet served in the …

49. British Butchers & Bunglers of World War One book

50. Amatol was a munitions plant during World War I