world trade center in English

a complex of buildings in New York featuring twin skyscrapers 110 stories high, designed by Minoru Yamasaki and completed in 1972. The twin towers were destroyed in a terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, with the loss of about 2,700 lives.

Use "world trade center" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "world trade center" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "world trade center", or refer to the context using the word "world trade center" in the English Dictionary.

1. Guangdong World Trade Center.

2. A: World Trade Center, please!

3. What's the height of the World Trade Center?

4. But the World Trade Center can never be mended.

5. Your opinions on the terrorists'attack upon the World Trade Center.

6. My school was two blocks away from World Trade Center.

7. I need to go to the Guangdong World Trade Center.

8. In the movie, the World Trade Center towers are destroyed.

9. Most recently, Gene created the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation identity program.

10. Terrorists attacked World Trade Center in New York, so many people died.

11. A Let's meet tomorrow at the Starbucks near the World Trade Center.

12. Both towers of the World Trade Center have been hit by aircraft.

13. We had the robots down at the World Trade Center late that evening.

14. The cleanup and recovery process at the World Trade Center site took eight months.

15. Crowds gather to commemorate the victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center Sept.

16. Many are determined to avenge the slaughter in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

17. Building Seven was not included in the original World Trade Center master plan by Daniel Libeskind, but was designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill under the leadership of David Childs, who largely redesigned One World Trade Center

18. Two planes ploughed into New York's landmark - World Trade Center, demolishing the twin 110 - story towers.

19. Structural analysis of major portions of the World Trade Center were computed on an IBM 1620.

20. Plans for a new building at the World Trade Center site are still the drawing board.

21. That is once again, a picture of one of the towers of the World Trade Center.

22. The al-Qaeda aerial attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York.

23. An effort to upgrade security after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was sidetracked by budget considerations.

24. The two tower buildings of the World Trade Center have disappeared from the map of New York.

25. When building the World Trade Center, 1.2 million cubic yards (917,000 m3) of material was excavated from the site.

26. A GIGANTIC car-bomb explosion rocked the 110-story World Trade Center in New York City on February 26, 1993.

27. Ironworker Eon Mathieson prepared to connect a steel beam on the fourth floor of One World Trade Center on Nov. 200

28. Barleycorn Craft Bar & Grill is located at the southern end of Tribeca, just a few blocks from the World Trade Center

29. When the North Tower collapsed, debris fell on the nearby 7 World Trade Center building (7 WTC), damaging it and starting fires.

30. The Bombing of the New York City World Trade Center in 1993 by Ramzi Yousef and his conspirators killed six people and injured thousands

31. On September 14, 2001, with the World Trade Center ruins still Asmolder, the House of Representatives considered House Joint Resolution 64, the authorization of …

32. How to Cover Rocket Blastoffs With an iPhone Kenneth Chang, a New York Times reporter who covers space, in the World Trade Center Transportation Hub

33. Blast-resistant lower-floor windows for New York's One World Trade Center building under construction will come from northeast China's Shandong Jin Jing Technology Co.

34. Denise, aged 16, had just arrived at her school next to the American Stock Exchange, which is located three blocks south of the World Trade Center.

35. Export Controls In partnership with the World Trade Center Denver and utilizing the power of virtual, interactive learning tools, Bis is now offering our popular Complying with U.S

36. The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, is an ethnic Baluchi, as is his nephew Ramzi Yousef, who plotted the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

37. The Collapse of the old 7 World Trade Center is remarkable because it was the first known instance of a tall building collapsing primarily as a result of uncontrolled fires

38. Aravi: Arabs: Hebrew word for Arabs: Atta: Arabs: Taken from the 9/11 terrorist who flew a plane into the World Trade Center, Mohammed Atta: Bara: Arabs: Arab spelled backwards

39. 1970 – The North Tower of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York, New York is topped out at 1,368 feet (417 m), making it the tallest building in the world.

40. The South Tower of the World Trade Center was actually built around the PATH tubes that passed through the foundation area, thus service was uninterrupted throughout the whole of the construction period.

41. That calculation held, Schultz argues, even as al Qaeda bombed the World Trade Center, struck two U.S. embassies in East Africa, and tried to sink the USS Cole in Yemen in 2000.

42. Moves afoot to Canonise priest with Irish roots for 9/11 role Fire chaplain Fr Mychal Judge giving last rites when World Trade Center tower collapsed Tue, Sep 19, 2017, 13:49 Updated: Tue, Sep 19

43. When the “pillars” of the World Trade Center, which to many had been a modern allegory of the capital, were attacked, an imperial Hercules and his economic hegemony over the rest of the world was up for consideration.

44. I think that the World Trade Center in, rather an unfortunate way, brought architecture into focus in a way that I don't think people had thought of in a long time, and made it a subject for common conversation.

45. Police Officer James Betso died as a direct result of illnesses he contracted after inhaling toxic materials as he participated in the rescue and recovery efforts at the World Trade Center site following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001

46. Judge Hellerstein’s hand-written annotations on Latto’s ‘World Trade Center litigation’ letter said that his “views may be Amices curiae [friend of the court], pending a later and different status.” [ When or if any of his clients initiate civil procedure.]

47. b) An exhibit entitled “Aftershocks” included artwork and journals dealing with the psychological and physical consequences of armed conflict on youth in the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and children in New York City who witnessed the destruction of the World Trade Center

48. Petit, the French-born high-wire artist and street performer, has been defying Credulity, most famously in 1974 when, just shy of his 25th birthday, he spent 45 minutes suspended in the air between the World Trade Center towers, a feat chronicled in …

49. Between 1993 and 1996, the FBI increased its counter-terrorism role in the wake of the first 1993 World Trade Center bombing in New York City, New York; the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and the arrest of the Unabomber in 1996.

50. 11 Aestheticizing the Afective Politics of “If You See Something, Say Something” Charlotte Kent In late 2002, the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority launched the “If You See Something, Say Something” advertisement campaign to raise public awareness about potential terrorist threats in response to the devastating 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center (WTC).